Chapter 5

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"So he was gonna kill you?" said Mattia as we got to my house.

"I don't know, he's a psychopath" I sighed, opening my front door. We stepped into my house and Mattia frowned.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you babe"

"What? No, don't apologise" I said, taking the pizzas and setting them down on the countertop.

"You did nothing wrong, I still love you all the same, if not more" I kissed his cheek and he pulled me in for a hug.

"The food's here!" yelled Kairi, causing us to jump out of our skin. Mattia laughed at him as everyone came into the kitchen to eat.


Since our house in England was so extremely small, we had to figure out how everyone was going to sleep.

"I can take the guest room with Vic?" suggested Alejandro. We all looked at Vic who gave him the side eye.

"Damn straight" she murmured. I laughed at how clueless Ale looked looked when she spoke.

"Kai are you good sleeping in the spare room?" I asked, but he didn't hear me since he was busy texting someone on his phone.

"He's too busy texting his girlfriend" smirked Vic, causing Kairi to look up at us. He glared at Vic but she was grinning from ear to ear.

"Girlfriend?" I raised my eyebrows and Kairi looked at me worriedly.

"No no, well yes but I mean" he stammered as he tried to find the right words to explain.

"I'm happy for you" I gave him a comforting smile and felt Mattia slip his arm around me, pulling me closer.

"Thank you" said a relieved Kairi "and the spare room sounds great"

We headed upstairs so I could pack since the flight was leaving tomorrow morning. Mattia walked into my bedroom and raised an eyebrow, whilst taking in the new surroundings.

"Holy shit your room is small" he said, turning to me. I sighed and walked past him.

"Can you imagine having to live here" I said, laying on the bed. Mattia came over to me and laid next to me, pulling me on top of him.

"We'll be home soon baby" he whispered, leaning in for a kiss. I met his lips with mine and softly kissed him back. I flopped onto my back and he gave me top energy without breaking the kiss. I smirked against his lips and tugged on his shirt.

"You really can't wait till we get home huh?" he smirked at me whilst taking off his t-shirt, revealing his newly established abs. My eyes went wide and he laughed when he saw my reaction.

"Okay but since when?" I said, tracing my finger along the lines engraved on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face in my neck.

"2 years is a long time babygirl" his voice trembled slightly and I gently kissed his head. I couldn't help but feel guilty for putting him through that pain for 2 whole years. Yet he waited for me.

"Thank you for never giving up on us Mattia" I whispered, resting my head on his.

"I love us too much to ever give up" he smiled, pulling away and getting out of bed.

"Now let's pack" he said, lifting me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I squealed and tried to get out of his grasp but he was stronger than me.

"Put me down you clown" I playfully slapped his back, but he only laughed at my poor attempt.

"Oh I can do that too" he said, slapping my ass. But as he did it we heard someone clear their throat at the other end of my room. Mattia turned to look, still holding me over his shoulder meaning I didn't know who it was. But he immediately set me on the ground.

"God Mattia, you never even warn me before doing crazy shit like that" I said, dusting myself off. I turned to see my Dad standing at the door with his arms folded and his eyebrows raised.

"Oh" I gulped. I looked over at Mattia who looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"I'm not mad" said Dad, rolling his eyes and allowing his arms to drop by his sides. A wave of relief washed over Mattia and I as we relaxed ourselves.

"I just" started Dad, rubbing his hands together and taking a step towards Mattia.

"Look son, just treat my little girl right okay?" he frowned slightly and placed his hand on Mattia's shoulder. Mattia nodded and took in everything he said.

"I promise, there's no one more important to me than your daughter, and I will always protect her with everything I have" Mattia said with confidence.

Dad waited.

"Sir" finished Mattia. Dad gave him the nod of approval and started walking out of my bedroom.

"I trust you both, goodnight" he said, before closing the door and returning to his room.

"Fuuuck that was scary" said Mattia, throwing his head back as soon as the door closed. I burst into laughter until my cheeks hurt.

"You should've seen your face" I chuckled, going over to my suitcase. He sat on the bed and glared at me.

"Am I really supposed to call him sir?" he whined, coming over to help me. I continued to laugh at how much this and phased him.

"Of course not" I assured him.

And with nothing else said, we finished up packing. After all, we had a flight to catch.

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