Chapter 23

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I looked at Mattia, who was staring right at me. He looked hurt, but I did nothing wrong. Even though it felt like I did. I took a step forward and closed the door behind me.

"So who's your friend?" he asked, breaking the unbearable silence between us. I gulped, subtly enough for him not to notice.

"He's called Kio" I replied dryly. Mattia nodded his head slowly, he was probably still taking in what he'd seen happen outside. I walked over to him and picked up the night bag with my clothes in it.

"What're you doing?" He sat up to try get a better look. Ignoring his question, I slung my bag over my  shoulder.

"Well you're awake, and you're probably going home tomorrow, so I don't need to stay here anymore"

"You stayed here whilst I was passed out?"

"Yeah, it's no big deal, I'll leave" I turned to walk over to the door and pulled on the handle.

"I heard everything you said"


I knew saying that would make her stop. I watched as she closed the door and looked down at the floor.

"I take back what I said too" I said quietly. She shook her head and walked over to me.

"Thanks, but we're over, and I'm happier now"

I watched closely as she spoke. Whenever Elena lies, her upper lip would twitch ever so slightly. And it did exactly that when that sentence came out of her mouth.

"Of course you are" I scoffed. She narrowed her eyes at me and crossed her arms over her chest. Her hair fell forward, and I desperately wanted to reach out and tuck it behind her ear. But I kept my hand by my side since she'd probably back away anyway.

"How the fuck would you know?"

"Cause you're happier with me. You always have been"

"Oh yeah, you cheating really touched me" she said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and got out of the bed.

"What are you doing now?"

Her voice had concern in it but she didn't care, and neither did I.

"Getting a drink, the fuck?" I walked over to the counter where there were several bottles of water. I felt her eyes on me as I slowly made my way across the room.

"So, is your new boyfriend a good kisser?" I asked. She followed me and picked up a water bottle.

"He's not my boyfriend and yes"

I clenched my jaw and raised the bottle to my mouth. She leaned on the counter facing me, but I didn't look at her once.

"Actually I think I might ask him to be my boyfriend" she said casually, like it was something minor.


"At least he won't ch-"

I turned around and pushed her back into the counter, but not hard enough to hurt her. My hands were on her hips and our faces were inches apart.

"W-what are you doing" she looked up at me and I started breathing heavily.

"Talk about your fucking boyfriend now" I growled, and her eyes flickered down to my lips. I leaned in slowly, snaking my arms around her waist. Her hands made their way onto my chest, gripping my shirt. Our lips were so close I could feel her hot breath on mine, and just as I was about to close the space I heard the door open.

"Get off her man"

I didn't recognise the voice so I stayed where I was, keeping my arms around Elena's waist. She looked at me nervously and moved her hands away from my chest. No no no. We were so close. Everything that just happened proved she wanted to get back together, who the fuck was this guy?

"Kio" she mouthed at me. I closed my eyes and let go of her. She cleared her throat and looked at the ground. I backed away and he walked over to Elena. Placing his hands on her face, he examined her carefully.

"Are you okay?" he whispered, loud enough for me to hear. She nodded quickly and gave him a fake smile. Anyone could tell she wasn't into him.

"Do you wanna go somewhere else?"

I saw him holding her hand and felt my blood boil. Who the fuck was this guy? And why was he all over her like that? Elena's eyes met mine before she looked back at Kio.


I rolled my eyes and went back over to my bed. I watched him lead her out and as Elena turned her back to me, he smirked at me. I could've charged at him there and then but I knew it'd annoy Elena so I stayed put.

What the fuck did she even see in him?

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