Chapter 16

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I took a deep breath as I knocked on the door. I waited patiently but there was no answer. I knocked again, louder this time.

"Wait!" I heard him yell, then I heard someone stumbling towards the door. I heard the lock turn and it flew open.

"Jackson you're a mess" I said, rolling my eyes. Despite it being 9am, his shirt was untucked with the buttons open, and a glass of scotch was in his right hand. He looked at me with an irritated expression.

"What the hell are you doing here this early? I said twelve" he snarled, rubbing the side of his face. The stench of alcohol clouded my lungs as I heard another voice from inside. I peered inside but he blocked me from getting any closer.

"Babe hurry" I heard a female voice, and it was desperate. I looked at Jackson in horror as his lips curved upwards.

"You have a girl in there? Are you fucking kidding me?" I whisper shouted, but he simply shrugged his shoulders, showing no care in the world. Typical.

"I needed some company"

"Then what the fuck was the point in all this?" I said loudly, angrily knocking the glass out of his hand. He clenched his jaw and stepped outside, closing the door behind him.

"Calm down" he hissed at me, but it only frustrated me more.

"Jackson you said that-"

"I know what I said Cindy, just give me time"

"How much fucking time do you need? It's $1000, that should be light work for people like you"

"People like me? What the fuck does that mean?"

He took a step forward, and pushed me back into the wall. I looked down the hotel corridor, luckily no one was there.

"Get off me" I shouted, but even when he was tipsy, Jackson was stronger than me. He wrapped his arms around my throat, forcing me to look him in the eyes. And they were full of hatred, full of anger. 

"Don't fucking talk to me like I'm dirt, or you'll get paid nothing" he slowly released his grip from around my neck and backed away.

"Meet me in the lobby at 2pm"

And with those words, he re-entered his room, leaving me in the corridor. I leaned against the wall, trying to catch my breath. I couldn't believe he was trying to play me like this, especially after how I helped him.


I made my way downstairs at 2pm. The lobby was surprisingly empty since it was usually full of families waiting to check in. Nevertheless, I took a seat and waited patiently for Jackson to get here. Soon after, the elevator doors opened and I saw Jackson step out, dressed in a smart suit, holding a briefcase. He started making his way towards me and I noticed that the arms on his blazer were cut purposely short so that you could get an eyeful of the shimmering Rolex on his left wrist.

"What's the occasion?" I asked as he sat opposite me.

"That's the money" he said, placing the briefcase on the table between us, and completely ignoring my question.

"Thanks again for sleeping with him, now that they're broken up I can finally get my girl back" he chucked to himself. I rolled my eyes and opened the briefcase next to me.

"Sleeping with Mattia was probably the best thing you've ever asked me to do" I said, counting the money.

"I don't need to hear details, I'll see you later" he said, standing up. He took out a pair of blacked out sunglasses and slid them on as someone brought his car in. A bright yellow Lamborghini Aventador.

"Holy shit" I breathed, looking outside.

"Where the fuck are you going" I asked him without taking my eyes off the car. He laughed at my reaction to the car whilst walking towards the exit.

"Got a lil date tonight"


I scrolled through my Instagram, looking for anymore pictures of Mattia. I should be deleting them all, but instead I was admiring them. I couldn't get over Mattia. I thought I could, but it was proving much harder than I thought. Just as I was about to turn my phone off a text came through.

Jackson: Hey, can you be ready for 9pm?

I narrowed my eyes at his text. He was the last person I wanted to speak to right now. I could only assume that he was asking me out on a date, but my mind was too focused on Mattia. Moving on wasn't on the cards, and probably never would be. I invested too much time in Mattia and I. There was no way I'd be able to give anyone else the same love and attention I gave him.

Me: No

Almost immediately, Jackson replied to my text which creeped me out to say the least.

Jackson: Cool, I'll be at yours for 9

What? I sighed and turned my phone off. I wasn't opening the door for him, neither was I leaving my room to hang out with Jackson Snow of all people.

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