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Social bash.                                                                   You and your bestie were arriving at the hotel and you to shared a room with Alejandro and Mattia.You and your bestie decide to go and get food you went to get Chic-fil-a and then came back Alejandro went somewhere with Khadi so it was just you and mattia you guys were really close.You guys were on the same bed when you both got a call it was your Baba (your dad) he said that you were going to marry Mattia next week and that everything has been paid for and there is no going back.You were happy but also sad.Mattia started yelling in Italian but I understood him.Our parents dropped the call and me and Mattia looked at each other.I was crying but I didn't even realize it. I am immediately ran out of the room I just wanted to be free I mean why would my parents do that but I always so the day coming just not with Mattia.It was time for our group to go on stage and the asked us a few questions and one asked the question that killed me on the inside I don't even know how she found out.                        Fan:Are Khalid and Mattia gonna get married.   Murmurs filled the room then they asked for the truth Mattia:Yes me and Khalid are getting married. Everyone was shocked then Cynthia burst into the door. She came up to me and           Cynthia: Why are you getting married to my boyfriend you terrorist as soon as he said that Khadijah started beating her. So you broke up the fight you ran crying and you didn't know were you were going you were about to get hit when someone pushed you out of the way

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now