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The next day I woke up and put Zayn in:

 I fed him and made sure  that he didn't get dirty the house was quiet

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I fed him and made sure that he didn't get dirty the house was quiet. I cleaned and showered I went to go make breakfast I woke Mattia up and he came down.
Mattia's POV:
I came downstairs to eat and saw Zayn watching Paw Patrol. I pick him up and I was shocked at the writing I turned to look at Khal and she was smiling.
M: wait so your pregnant
Y: yup
M: really yes I am so happy
Y: ok but you have to listen to me ok no secrets
M: speaking of secrets you always wondered why I could buy myself such a big house right
Y: yeah where are you going with this
M: I'minagang
Y: come again
M: I am in a gang
Y: your what
M: I know you heard me
Y: what Mattia ok are you the gang leader no why would I think that
M: actually I am the leader
Y: what happens if you get arrested before I give birth
M: I won't ok you gotta trust me
Y: ok I hope so
I gave Zayn his cereal while he was on his high hair. When he finished Mattia gave him a bath and I went to clean. Once I finished I heard the door turn. Someone grabbed me and put a bag over my head.


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Almost there

Ok I am just playin but thank you so much for the 13k reads love you all sorry for not updating. Should I change her name to Aaliyah or Walihyaa.

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now