Part 9

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Mattia's POV It was time for the twins to go home. She still hadn't woken up. The doctor says that tomorrow we have to say goodbye because there is no hope. Khalid was too strong to die this early. I stayed by Khalid side the whole time. My mom took care of the twins and Liyah. I tried to wake her up then I saw water I poured her with it then I. Heared: hey you why you pouring me with water she said it with her African accent she was so cute and I saw her dimples I called the doctor and he said that she had to stay one more day to recover. I called everyone and Aaliyah was so happy to see her the twins were awake and started laughing and we recorded them. Me and Khalid went home the next day and everybody came everyone was enjoying themselves and we had a party. Khalid was better and everyone was okay and having a blast we decided to all go to Africa and visit South Africa. We went to this place called sun city. It was amazing and the beach was wonderful we had a lot of fun when we got into the hotel room me and Khalid. We were talking Mattia: I can't believe all this has happened in 2 years. You:I can't believe I am still a teenager Mattia: I am almost an adult and then I am gonna run away. As soon as you heard those words you fell to the floor and had a panic attack you fell to the floor and started crying you couldn't breathe then everything was black.

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now