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We were all getting along and decided that it was late and time to go sleep I had a prank idea for our YouTube channel.
The next morning I got the camera did the intro then I hid it and acted like I had bad period cramps to get his reaction.
He came in and I acted like my stomach was hurting really bad.
M: Babe you okay
Y: no my stomach hurts so bad
M: what you want me to do
Y: ugh I don't know
M: you want me to call your mom
Y: no
M: you want some hot tea
Y: no can I have water
M: yeah ok let me go get it
He went to go fetch it and I had to wait awhile then he came back. 
M: ok here babe I don't like seeing you in pain maybe take a hot shower take all the time you need.
Y: no I don't want to
M: what kind of stomach pains you got
Y: period cramps
M: oh you want some medicine I can go get you some
Y: yeah I do
M: you want to come with
Y: yeah but can you like pick me up and take me with you
M: yeah let me go get the car first
Y:ok ow my stomach hurt
M: ok I will be back
Y: ok
He left and I waited and waited then he eventually came and picked me up he went to the store and got the pills.
Y: I want food
M: there is food at home
M: damn why you being so extra
Y: 🥺I am being extra now
M: no I didn't mean it like that
Y: I am sorry just stop the car I will go
M: nah babe just take a nap maybe that will help
Y: ok fine will you get me snacks
M: We was just at the store
Y: oh so it's my fault🥺
M: ok I am gonna take you home
Y: * starts fake crying*
M: why you crying now
Y: *sniffles* your being so mean
He drove home put me in our room and left. I went to the camera and spoke.
Y: he just left oh my days like when he gets back I am so gonna start crying and be like oh babe you don't love me. I think I hear him.
I started crying and then he came in with snacks and I told him it was a prank.
M: I am gonna eat those snacks
Y: don't lie
M: ok you got me
Y: I love you
M: whatever
Y: say it back🥺
M: I love you too

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now