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I saw Cynthia and she came with another guy.

C: ok can I have my son now
Y: what you mean my child
C: yah but I gave birth to him
Y: but you gave him to me
C: and I want him back your problem
Y: he is mine
C: ok fine we will let him pick

They fetched Zayn and brought him out we stood him in the middle. We started calling him and he was moving to Cynthia and my heart was breaking but then.

C: you see he wants his real mom
Z: sike!!!! I comin mama

And he ran in my direction everyone started laughing at what he said and I picked him up and he started crying.

Y: bubba what is wrong now
Z: mama my tummy hurts
Y: huh

I looked down and saw his stomach bleeding I started crying and Mattia came and said that it was just a prank.

Y: ugh I hate you
Z: you hate papa🥺😔
M: no she loves me
Y: yeah I love him and who taught you to say sike
Z: Papa did
Y: ok let's go take photos

After taking photos we siting in the living room discussing rooms.

Y: ok so there are 10 rooms in the house all the couples can share a room and when you fight you can go to another room and the kids the boys and girls can share rooms.
Ale: yeah ok that works
K: ok so I will start my name is Khadijah I was with Alejandro
Ale: I am Alejandro I was with Khadijah
Y: my name is Aaliyah I am married to Mattia
M: my name is Mattia I am married to Aaliyah
Ro:I am Roshaun I am with Ariana
Ari: I am with Roshaun
Kai: my name is Kairi I am engaged to Ashley
Ash: I am Ashley and engaged to Kairi
Aloe: Alvaro my girlfriend is Cameron
Cam: I am Alvaro girlfriend my name is Cameron.

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now