Part 26

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Quarantine day 6                                                            Mattia's POV                                                                    I decide to text Jenna and she told me her first appointment was today so I snuck out of the house to go see her. Sike you thought why would I do that I wanted to prank her so I had to get some supplies. I was going to prank her by saying that I had cut my finger so I went to buy fake blood and fake fingers when I got home everyone was still sleeping so I went to check on the twins. I saw Haniya sleeping and that Hadiya was crying silently I took her to out M:Sh sh sh don't cry Papa has got you you're okay now don't cry. I said while rocking her I made a face and she started giggling. I went and warmed her the milk that Khalid pre-pumped. I gave her the milk and she fell asleep I went to put her in her crib when I tried to she was holding onto my shirt with her fingers I tried to detach them. I ended up just taking her with me I decided to watch All American. I wanted to eat something so I went to the kitchen when I fetched the camera and hid it I did the intro and started filming I got the thing and acted like I cut it I shouted and acted as if I was in pain. Everyone came out of their rooms and then they saw me Khalid came rushing downstairs with Haniya in her arms because she was crying. Hadiya was fast asleep everyone started panicking she rushed to me she looked at my hand and started screaming I wanted to laugh but had to act like I was in pain. K: what the hell happened Mattia look your bleeding. I told you not to cook and hold the babies. M: She wouldn't let me go and I was hungry . It's a prank everyone started laughing and I took the camera and went to go edit the video. Hadiya was still sleeping I kissed her forehead when I realized that it was a bit hot. I decided to go take her temperature. I took it and it came out as 110 degrees. I started taking her out of the clothes she was wearing then she woke up and started vomiting. I left her in her vest that was short sleeve and called her pediatrician she burst into tears and I felt bad      Doc: Hi yes what is the problem today.               M: Hadiya is not feeling well she is burning up and she was just vomiting and she has a rash.   Doc: I need you to bring her to the hospital immediately I will be there waiting for you ok.    M: I am coming I will be there in 2 mins.                I took Hadiya and rushed out the door and into my Lamborghini with her in her car seat of course and rushed to the hospital she was still crying and I felt terrible. I arrived there and gave her to the pediatrician. She took her out of my arms and Hadiya started screaming I wanted to take her but I couldn't she had already taken her. I sat down and called Khalid and told her what happened she said that she would be here soon. She came in with a bag and as she sat down the doctor came up to us Doc: She has a mild case of food poisoning because of some milk she drank.                          M: Oh how is that possible.                                        K: I saw Jenna sneak in the other day she poisoned my baby she messed with the wrong one.  I got a call saying that they were coming. We got to go to her room she was still crying so Khalid took her and started breastfeeding her from her boob to her mouth she calmed down and feel asleep. K: it is all my fault maybe if I wasn't so lazy to breastfeed we would be home now it is all my fault. M: no baby it isn't. I held her and she fell asleep. They came in and I told them she would be ok they went home.

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now