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I am almost 9 months pregnant I am just ready for them to come out. I was on my way to the gaming room when my Cheetos dropped so I tried to pick it up but then I peed?

Mattia came out and rushed upstairs and came back with the hospital bag we packed he told me to quickly go change and then he took me to the car.

M: Babe why didn't you tell me
Y: idk wait turn the car around
M: why
Y: my Cheetos
M: Babe all of this is going on you talking bout your Cheetos
Y: yes wait stop the car
M: yes
Y: *unlocks the door* bye
M: ugh just wait we will get your Cheetos
Y: good ow
I got this pain
M: you see it started come on
Y:ow let's go
We went and we drove it was hurting really bad. He got me signed in and all then we went to the room it finally stopped hurting but came again 😫😫.

Doc: so Aaliyah let's see how dialated you are
M: wait how you gon check
Y: Mattia
M: relax
Y: just shut up
Doc: ok it looks like you are 9cm so I will fetch the nurses
He left and my mom came in.
Y/M: baby I can't believe you are having babies
Y: me too but pls can we talk later
Doc: ok you ready
Y: yes
M: ow Aaliyah my hand
Y: you put these children in me
M: it wasn't a one man job
Doc: ok 321 push
I pushed and pushed then the first one came out.
Y: I can't do this I am way to tired
Doc: hahahaha 😭😭😭 you don't have a choice now push
I pushed and then heard a cry.
Doc: now the placenta
Y: ugh
I pushed again and they did what they did Mattia cut both of their umbilical cords. They finally brought us our baby girls
Y: oh my gosh they look like you so much
M: yes but they have your nose and your eyes
Y: don't forget the curls and dimples
M: yeah they got my good looks though
Y: which ones
M: hey you married me kinda didn't have a choice
M/M: and what are you gonna name them
Y/M: yeah I wanna know
Y: well we decided I was gonna pick the first names
M: I would pick the middle names
Y and M: you guys would pick the third names
Y: so their first names are Naima and Nafisa
M: second are Ariana and Bianca
Y/M: the one I picked is Habiba
M/M: the one I picked is Amila
Y: ok so I think the one is Naima Bianca Amila Polibio
M: and Nafisa Ariana Amila Polibio
Z: I have two sistews
M: yeah your a big bro
Z: no cap
M: no cap
Y: Zayn where did you learn that
Z: daddy
Y: I can't believe this started from an arranged marriage and that we are TEEN PARENTS.

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Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now