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Quarantine day 9
I was still locked in I was hungry it became morning. Jenna came and gave me water and bacon. I drank the water and left the bacon. She told me to eat it I shook my head and she threw the plate at me. I was tied up so I couldn't move the plate hit me really hard it cut me all over my skin. I just let the tears drop then this man came in:

He came in and took off your clothes he gave you new ones and helped you leave

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He came in and took off your clothes he gave you new ones and helped you leave. He took you to his house when he opened it two boys came out

 He took you to his house when he opened it two boys came out

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Vallyk: Dude why is she here Mattia will find u Derek: dude take her back now I don't want her Mike: Oh sh*t yall right let's go back dude

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Vallyk: Dude why is she here Mattia will find u Derek: dude take her back now I don't want her Mike: Oh sh*t yall right let's go back dude.           Y: Please just get Jenna out of there I can't take it she abuses me and treats me like a slave pls.     They took you back but Derek stayed with you to make sure you are safe you went straight to your room and started eating your snacks. After eating you and Derek watched OMB you accidentally fell asleep on the floor. You felt someone pick you up and take you to another room you smelt Mattia's cologne. You heard arguing bet decided to take a nap I woke up and saw Mattia next to me we were Married already so it was ok. I went to go make food when I felt someone drag me I looked up and saw Mattia. He threw me a mask and some gloves and said that we were going out he threw you a black chiffon hijab he told you were going shopping and that he threw away the pork and broke up with Jenna. I was happy when we got there we went different ways I went to go fetch snacks and sweets for my stash . I went into the line and Mattia paid for everything and I got a lot of stuff. Once we got home I went to go play GTA V. I was playing and eating when I got tired I switched my Xbox off and went to sleep. I changed first obviously to go to sleep while changing I looked at my bruises caused by Jenna. I went to go sleep but when I closed my eyes I saw her all over again.  

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