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Khalid POV:
I woke up to Zayn crying because they were giving him an injection. He was trying to fight it but they held him down they took the blood and left I picked him up pacing with him and my arms shushing him. Mine and Mattia's family came in and the doctor said that they had to be quiet so Zayn could sleep.
M/M: Is my poor grandson gonna be okay
M: yeah mom he just has some fluid in his lungs.
Y/M: so why is that child so white not that it's an issue or anything just saying why that kid so light.
Y: oh well um he's not really my baby but I am his mother according to the state.
Y/D: wait what you mean to tell me you would do that I had my own kids and wanted to strangle you sometimes when you didn't wanna sleep and you wanted that you just expected it just like that.
Y: well didn't have much of a choice baba she told me to take the baby what would I say no I don't want him and have him grow up unloved baba you know that is also unfair I couldn't leave with myself knowing that he isn't loved ok yes I didn't like when he would cry but he sleeps on a schedule now.
Y/M: ok baby I understand can I hold him.
I gave him to my mom and her and Mattia's mom were cooing over the baby. Soon the end of the day came and everyone left and they said we could take him home( it's past a week). I carried his stuff that both families brought him throughout the days. Mattia put him in his seat and bucked him in I sat next to him and gave him his Gucci dummy:

 Mattia put him in his seat and bucked him in I sat next to him and gave him his Gucci dummy:

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When we got home he was fast asleep and so was I.
Mattia's POV:
When we got home both Zayn and Khalid were sleeping. I carried both of them in and put Khalid in bed and put her in my T-shirt. I put Zayn in his cot and played with him until he fell asleep again I made him fell asleep while giving him a bottle once he fell asleep I went to bed and saw her reading. I kissed and one thing led to another. The next day she left for school and I stayed with Zayn.
Khalid POV:
After going to school I came back and saw Zayn rolling on the floor. I picked him up and fetched his bottle from the fridge and gave it to him I bathed him and put him to bed.

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now