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The twins stood up and started walking we took a video. We started looking at the video and Hadiya ran and she fell on the step and started bleeding so Mattia and I rushed her to the hospital. We took her to her pediatrician and she said that had a pretty bad cut and her head was open and she had a piece of wood in head so she needed surgery. I was very scared because she is so small and hadn't even turned 1 yet. The pediatrician knew what she was doing she also said that she would have amnesia. Your older sister Huda walked in and Haniya started calling her mommy you told her  I am your mommy and she said that she loved you. Like Haniya: I wuw you mommy. You carried her and told her you love her back it was time for the surgery so you had to go to the waiting room Huda handed you Hadiya: Baba whewe is my sissy. You told her that she was coming back then you gave her milk and she fell asleep as soon as you gave her to Huda the doctors came out and said that they removed it and that she was awake. You stayed by her side when she saw you she started crying. You: what's wrong? Haniya: My heew huwts. You: baby okay what do you want to help with the pain. Haniya: I wan * your favorite sweet*. Me: You really are my child. You bought it for her and she ate it and fell asleep the twins were asleep then you got a call from big hit saying that you were leaving to go to Korea in the morning.The doctor said that she could leave tomorrow morning and that you could travel with her just be careful. You packed her bag and then you slept next to her when she woke up she burst into tears. You woke up and saw that it was just a dream. You saw everyone waiting and Mattia was signing her out you saw all of the kids playing together and laughing so you took a picture. You rushed home took a shower and headed to Korea.

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now