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Quarantine day 14
Mattia's POV:
I woke up on the bathroom floor. I woke up and went downstairs I forgot she wasn't here for a split second. I was going to make things right I called her brothers and asked them if she was with them Ali said that she came over yesterday. I went I his house and told him I was here
Ali: So why did Khal come here all alone
M: we got into a little argument and then she left
Ali: oh ok well she is in the bathroom right now
M:cool hey where is it
Ali: umm she is in the bathroom you can't go in there
M: hey man I can go in there that is MY WIFE remember.
Ali: ugh fine it is upstairs to your left
M: thanks bro
I went upstairs and opened the bathroom door.
Khalid POV:
I fell asleep in the bathtub and felt someone pick me up and push my stomach I slapped them.
Y: what the hell was that for you dumbass
M: sorry I thought you sunk
Y: I fell asleep because all I heard was moans last night.
M: dang ok get dressed as let's go home I miss you in my arms I am so sorry I was being so mean to pls just come home we tried to cook and well I left them to clean the mess they made but hey.
Y: ok but don't do it again come let's go before they kill each other.
We left in separate cars and when we got home Jenna and Cynthia were scratching each other bit stopped and ran to me as the door opened. J&C:Oh gosh sorry
Y: what the happened in here why were y'all fighting
They stood quiet I went to the kitchen cleaned the mess and made food. After eating I went upstairs with me snacks and watched a movie and fell asleep.It was actually starting to work out for us. Skip to end of the day.

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now