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Mattia's POV:
I woke up and I was in a basement I think I was  tied up. I kept trying to get free but when I looked up I saw Aaliyah sleeping did they also take her. She started to wriggle and she also tried to get up when she looked at me I saw bruises on her face. I looked up and I saw people come in and guessing by their bodies. They were men they came in the room and took her. I saw four girls come in they showed me a video. It had Aaliyah and those men in another room they were about to assault her I could hear her screams and it broke me to hear her crying for help just broke me I became a person I only become on missions. I became the devil himself I broke the chains and walked right through the closed door I found the room and I fought each and everyone of this guys.
M: baby babe Aaliyah are you okay
Y: Tia I love yo-
She fainted I ran out of that house and looked for a hospital. I found one and they took her away. I called everybody her mom was screaming saying that she was coming. I called my parents and they came. I was so stressed I was going to find whoever did this and punish them.

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now