Part 15

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I woke up in the hospital with Mattia next to me. Mattia: Baby omg your finally awake. You:What happened? Mattia:Bae I have to tell you something. You: what? Mattia:Our unborn baby died when you were shot in the stomach and Aaliyah was taken but is home now and Jenna and Cynthia are in jail. You started crying and didn't stop you just remembered that you haven't taken your anxiety and depression medicine. You had a mental breakdown and you went home. You had to record a YouTube video so you did a hair tutorial. It looked like this.

You and Mattia went to the mall to go buy clothes and other things

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You and Mattia went to the mall to go buy clothes and other things. While you were there you and Mattia got matching hoodies. Like this:

 Like this:

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Then you bought the twins some clothes

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Then you bought the twins some clothes. When we were getting out Hadiya started crying and screaming so you went to the car while Mattia was gonna go grocery shopping with the other 2. Mattia's POV
Khalid left me with Haniya and Aaliyah. I was really grateful they were asleep so I tried to remember what we needed. Then I realized Khalid sent me a list man she knows me so well . So I started getting the stuff then Aaliyah got out of her stroller and ran away then I had to chase her. I finally caught her and put her in the trolley then Haniya woke up and started crying then I have her, her dummy then she went back to sleep. I finally finished after being in there for 3 hours. Then this old lady came up to me and said:You and your little family are so cute but where is your wife. Me: She is in the car with my other baby. Lady: Well that is really selfish of her. I just walked away from her. I got into the car and Khalid was asleep in the front and so was Hadiya. Khalid woke up and we went home and I made food.

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now