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Mattia and I just finished watching the news we are on lockdown. We have so much food and so much toilet paper. I was buying us snacks and I left the kids home and Mattia was sleeping.I was on my home and when I got there it was a mess Aaliyah was crying and holding on to the door the twins were making a mess on the counters and were throwing food everywhere. I went to check our bedroom and Mattia was sleeping. I woke him up and brought him to the kitchen. Mattia:Khali what the hell happened in here. You: Our children while I was shopping and you were sleeping so your going to clean all of this up by yourself then we will record the YouTube video.You took a nap and woke up to Hadiya crying. You picked her up and heard the doorbell ring so you went to check who it was. You looked and you saw your older sister. You burst into tears and gave her a hug. She asked to hold Hadiya you gave her the baby and told her to come in. You asked about her life and she filled you in. She told you that she needed a place to stay and you said she could stay at your house Mattia  came back from bathing Haniya and you introduced them and told him about her stay.

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now