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Quarantine day 12
I remembered what happened yesterday and smiled to myself. I kissed his lips and felt him kiss me back. I giggled and try to get up Mattia pulled me down.
M: Five more minutes pls
Y: I need to pee pls I will come right back
M: no stay with me
Y:Mattia I am gonna pee my pants
M: Ugh fine 
I used the bathroom and washed my hands I kinda wanted to prank Mattia so I set up a camera.
Y: um so first I wanna say thank you to all of you guys I hope you stay safe and I gonna be prancing Tia saying that I lost my memory and I only remember my family and not him. I hope he falls for it um comment down below Team Khalid or Team Mattia. Let's do this ok I think I have to make a loud sound so.
I hit the wall with my hand before I put makeup on so it would look like a bruised and a bit of blood. I acted like I fell and fainted. Mattia came in.
M: Babe baby Khal stop playing mama's wake up come on. He started shaking you he panicked he splashed me with water.
M: oh thank god are you ok.
Y: who are you where am I look I just want to go home.
M: Mama's what are you talking about
Y: who are you did you kidnap me?
M: what do you mean just calm down
Y: don't tell me what to do just I wanna go home to my parents and brothers and my sister.
M: your sister she left remember Come on Khalid you have to remember me.
Y: where is my bestie Khadijah
M: She got married to Ale remember their wedding was just before the lockdown.
Y: no me and Khadijah never had boyfriends
M: yeah but our parents decided we would get married
Y: I don't know you just pls take me home
M: this is your home this our home we live here together.
Y: No I don't know you who are you and why am I here. I acted and burst into tears he ran to hold me I could see he was stressed.
M: no baby pls don't cry um okay I will take
you home to your parents.
Good thing I already set up a camera in he car. Y: wow I have always wanted a Lamborghini aventodor.

M: baby this is your car um we just gonna go to Alejandro's house real quick Y: yeah I wanna see AleM: oh good so you remember me Y: no but I remember Roshaun, Alejandro, Kairi and Alvaro

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M: baby this is your car um we just gonna go to Alejandro's house real quick
Y: yeah I wanna see Ale
M: oh good so you remember me
Y: no but I remember Roshaun, Alejandro, Kairi and Alvaro.
M: wait so you don't remember me but you remember my friends
Y: oh they know you oh ok
Mattia stopped the car and started crying and you felt bad.
M: don't do that I was scared ok let's go back home.
We arrived home and Mattia kissed me and we went upstairs. I just lost my virginity to Mattia I was kinda happy. I went downstairs and tempered that I had to go with Cynthia to a doctors appointment. I changed and wore:

(Without the baby) I also took one of Mattia's hoodies Incase I got cold

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(Without the baby)
I also took one of Mattia's hoodies Incase I got cold. Cynthia wore:

Y: you guys really need to let me arrange Your closets you can't be pregnant and wearing tight clothes when we get back I am changing you guys closets

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Y: you guys really need to let me arrange Your closets you can't be pregnant and wearing tight clothes when we get back I am changing you guys closets.
C: but you never show off your body and it looks amazing everyone loves it because they want see it
Y: that is the point they shouldn't see it and the only person who will is Tia.
After the doctors visit I went into her closet it looked like this:

I finally finished and bought new clothes when I did I bought a ton of scarves for me of course

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I finally finished and bought new clothes when I did I bought a ton of scarves for me of course. I put a bunch of Baati's in there and big dresses and long skirts and loose hoodies and dress hoodies and a whole bunch of long sleeves. I told her to come check it out.
C: omg it looks so different wow um thanks for your help.
Y: your welcome
I left and did the same to Jenna's closet she was also very happy I cooked and ate and went to bed after eating snacks and watching Netflix.

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now