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Mattia's POV:
I am so gonna get her back but I have to wait cause she is actually on her period now.
I am gonna do I want a baby now prank on her
She finally finished her thing so I set up the camera did the intro blah blah blah.

I heard her coming and made a sound that sounded like I fell. She ran in I also added some fake blood before.

Y: Tia baby you okay
M: who are you
Y: bae stop playing you okay
M: don't call me that who are you
Y: oh you know just your wife
M: wife? My girlfriend's name is Jenna
Y: no
M: Can you leave and where am I
Y: okay wait um I am gonna come back does your head hurt
M: ok but who are you
Y: just stay here
She left and I started laughing quietly and then Zayn came in dang it.
Y: oh baby Papa is not feeling well now
Z: Papa a kith make better
M: who's child is that
Y: um yours
M: I don't have a child at 20
Z: Papa don't wemembew me
Y: he does just go play with Malik
Z: he bit me
M: dang I feel sorry for that child
Y: really Mattia I saw the camera stop playing
M: hahaha fine you got me
Z: Papa don't wove me 🥺😭😭😭
He ran into a corner and started crying I felt so bad. I picked him up and took him outside for a talk.


I heard him talking to Zayn he was still sniffling that child is so extra.
Z: you don't wove me and Mama
M: I do baby boy so much with my whole heart
Z: you pwomise
M: yes
Z: pinky pwomise
M: oh my gosh yes and where did you get that from
Z: mama
M: ok so when someone says you promise you say no cap ok try it
Z: no cwap
M: aye my main man
Z: stop being silly papa

Then I worked away I went to Malik and saw him crying.
Y: baby why you crying speak to aunty
Malik: Hooyo and dada keep fighting
Y: oh baby sorry come here you wanna watch a movie
Malik: why do they keep fighting why can't they be happy like you and Uncle Mattia
Y: not everything in life is that simple bubs
Malik: can I sleep with you and Zayn today I don't wanna here them fighting anymore
Y: ok baby come let's go find Zayn

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now