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Quarantine day 3 I woke up feeling sick I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Mattia rushed in and gave me a hair tie. I tried to eat something but I threw up some more I decided to go take a nap and sleep Mattia: Babe I brought you some medicine let me see if you have a fever. He touched my forehead and his facial expression dropped. Mattia:Babe your burning up and you were vomiting should I call the doctor and tell them. You: Tia what do you mean I th- I ran to the bathroom and threw up some more I finished brush my teeth and laid in the bed again. Mattia: No baby girl don't you wanna go to the hospital your looking really pale c'mon let's go. You: No Ti- then you fainted Mattia carried you to the car and took you to the hospital. Mattia's POV:                                                 I rushed her to the hospital I was so stressed. I told everyone to stay but I called her parents and obviously Khadijah came we had to run so Aaliyah wouldn't see her mommy like this Khalid was gone. We finally reached the hospital and they took her immediately. I couldn't go in with her I was so scared my mind was going crazy.I eventually had to go fetch Aaliyah because she wouldn't stop crying. When I got home she ran into my arms and I helped her stop crying. Put her in her car seat and took her to the hospital the doctors said that she was awake and that she had toxoplasmosis. The doctor said that it was a worm disease and that she needed to stay for a night so they could check up on her. I brought Aaliyah to the room it is kind of hard for the twins to sleep without Khalid. I had an amazing idea to take Khalid on a date it would be our first since we had an arranged marriage. I had to wait for her to get out of hospital. Aaliyah: Baba whewe is Mama. M:Baby mama got sick so she is in the room. Aaliyah: Can I see mama what happened. M: Mama got worms in her tummy so it hurt. Aaliyah: Did mama eat worms and get sick. M: no sh- before I could finish I forgot Aaliyah hates the word no she burst into to tears thank god we didn't go inside the hospital I brought her into my arms and out of the car once I calmed her down I got into the hospital and went to Khalid's room. I walked in and she was Khalid: Mattia what happened to me. M: you fainted and I rushed you to the hospital you have toxoplasmosis babe you see you are sick you really scared me you leave tomorrow and I have a surprise for you I am gonna go home and put Aaliyah in bed she just fell asleep Khalid: can I hold her. I handed Aaliyah to her and she immediately woke up. Aaliyah: mama I thought you were sick K: I was baby tomorrow I will be home ok. Aaliya: pwomise. K: promise when you get home brush your teeth and don't give Baba a hard time ok. She ran to Me and we left. It was bedtime when we got back it took time for the twins to fall asleep but I got them to Aaliyah fell asleep immediately so then I slept. A/N Thank you so much for 1k reads love you all✨✨✨

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now