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Quarantine day 7                                                                I woke up to Hadiya crying Khalid woke up and the hospital tried to give Hadiya formula key word tried. Khalid just wasn't having it she wanted to give Hadiya breastmilk. The hospital tried to fight with her but she ended up winning since she was a pediatrician herself. They let her nurse Hadiya I saw this male doctor watching her nurse Hadiya I watched him drool then I told him to leave. Khalid POV:   I was nursing my baby like a normal mother would when Mattia left the room and I heard a punch and a few more I looked and saw a doctor assaulting Mattia. I called the cops and they arrested him they told us that he wasn't a doctor but a pedofile. They told us that the breastfeeding was helping Hadiya get healthier I knew what I was doing idiots wanted to give my baby formula for the first time in her life no way. They said that she could go home today I just wanted my baby out of there they said they would do some tests. I saw a nurse coming to take her blood she knew what was coming and started screaming and she held onto me while they grabbed her off Mattia had to take me outside I could here her screaming and I couldn't stop her I broke down I had and an anxiety attack I ended up fainting. I woke up in bed with Aaliyah in my arms she was still a baby how is that possible Mattia came in and still hated me I realized I just dreamed it all I looked down and saw no baby just me and Mattia hating one another.

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now