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It was getting closer to Christmas I converted to Christianity. I came back home and Mattia was awake we haven't really spoken a lot and I can see that he is getting frustrated with taking care of the baby and staying inside all the time. I told him today he could go out with his friends and I would stay home with Zayn. He left without saying goodbye to me he kissed Zayn's forehead and just walked out the door. I was kinda upset but I let it go I was studying and Zayn was on his play mat. I made popcorn and left studying I took Zayn in my arms and played with him I put him down and walked to the kitchen and I turned around and saw Zayn walking it was his first steps he fell on his but
and tried again. He walked to me and started giggling I took a video and sent it to Mattia it was getting late so I put Zayn into bed.I was gaining weight fast and I don't know why. I haven't gotten my period in 3 months so I fetched Zayn while he was sleeping took him in his car seat and drove to the drugstore. When I got there I took a bunch of pregnancy tests. I paid for it and the lady gave me funny looks.
Lady: You know there is something called protection
Y: you know there is something called minding your own business plus my HUSBAND doesn't have any stds
Lady: oh sorry then here you can go
I left and but Zayn next to me on my bed I went to the bathroom and peeks in a cup and dipped the tests in. They all came out








Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now