Part 50

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It was the hospital I answered obviously.
Lady: is this Mrs Polibio
Y: yes speaking
Lady: um your husband has been in an accident
Y: um ok I am coming
I took Zayn he was sleeping so I had to be careful. I strapped him in his car seat and drove to the hospital. When I got there a lady came up to me and said that he was in a coma. I broke down in tears. Mattia's mom took Zayn and I went to go see him. He was on the bed he looked different. He looked like he was just pretending so I wanted to check.
Y: awe yay he is dying I can finally get with Jaden
M: ok ok you caught me
Y: wait what why would you do this
M: it wasn't me my dad wanted to see if you really love me
Y: I can't deal with you right now Zayn is with your mom and I am just gonna leave for a while don't try to text but if I see you with another girl we are over I will be back in a week.
M: Babe I am sorry
Y: save it

Mattia's POV:
She left my mom came in with a disappointed look I saw Zayn was still sleeping I did get into an accident but I wasn't in a coma.
M/M: Matti I am so disappointed in you
M: but Papa said I should Mama
Z: hi Papa whewe Mama
M: She is gone
Z: why
M: Papa did something mean
Z: I want Mama
M: Zayn she is gone
Z: I ant mama
He started throwing a tantrum so I picked him up and told him to stop crying.
M: talk to me what is wrong
Z: I don't want you
M: Zayn but Mama is gone she is gonna comeback I promise
Z: Pwomise
M: yes
He fell asleep and I was discharged my dinner was in the kitchen I really regret my decision. 

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now