Part 8

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Skip two weeks you woke up and felt this huge amount of liquid on the bed you realized that it was the babies coming and Mattia was trying to wake you up he had the bag packed for the hospital and you left in your Lamborghini Elventador. You left and you started getting 15these sharp pains and you started crying Mattia told everyone and everyone was on their way so they put you in a room and you were in lab our for 30 minutes. Suddenly you started feeling sleepy so you took a nap you sneezed and out came the first baby you didn't know until you heard crying they called the doctor then you sneezed again and the other twin was born their names were Hadiyah Mohammed Polibio and Haniyah Mohammed Polibio. They were born at the exact same time. They were born on 15 of March 2020. Everyone was so excited and laughing and being happy. The doctor came and saw that you were losing a lot of blood very quickly and you fainted. Mattia's POV Khalid just fainted and she was taken by the doctor I fell on the floor in shock and started crying my mom told me not to cry and she held me like a baby. She just fainted after that an hour later they said that she was in a coma. My heart sunk to my stomach when the doctor said that I wanted to be with her her dimples when she smiled her dimples were better than Alejandro's dimples she had this huge passion to learn dances and make new ones. She was very flexible even though she always these long skirts which shocked me to be honest. She was amazing and I know that Aaliyah was so happy to see her little sisters she cried through the Twins whole labour and then it hit me she was still a teenager only 16 and she didn't live her life like other 16 year olds who went to parties and stuff but that was never Khalid. I just want her in my arms and to see those dimples.

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now