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I went to bed and started having a breakdown and Mattia wasn't home. I eventually fell asleep I woke up in the middle of the night to giggling I went downstairs and saw Mattia and his friends and girls. One girl gave me a funny look and Mattia was in the kitchen. I went there to speak with him.
Y: Tia who are these people and why are you coming at this hour
M: Oh well the two with Kai and and Roshaun are their girlfriends and the other girl came with me.
Y: oh well I have something to te-
The rude girl: Mattia where can I sleep and would you show me
M: yeah sure I will meet you in our room to discuss what you were saying.
Y: it would be really quick
The rude girl: I am really tired Mattia pls
He left and I just stood there I got him some painkillers for the morning showed the guests where to sleep and went to our room. I got in there and saw Mattia sleeping. I covered him and left the painkillers and water on his side. I eventually went to sleep. When I woke up someone was shaking me. I looked up and saw her she threw water all over me and started fake crying and guess who came in Mattia.
M: Khal what did u do to her and why are u wet
G: She slapped me and poured water on herself so that she would be the victim
Y: what no bubba see she poured water on me and started crying
M: But Lena is my childhood best friend she would never do such a thing to anyone
L: Yeah why would I want to hurt you
Y: I don't know maybe she wants you Mattia
M: your being really clingy today
Y: no Mattia pls
They went out of the room and I saw her smile before she left. I burst into tears and went to go check on Zayn I saw Lena holding him and he looked so happy. Her, Mattia and Zayn looked like a perfect family I didn't wanna be a nuisance so I stayed in bed all day crying on the bathroom floor. I didn't eat and nobody came to check on me. I left and went to Derek's house I brought a suitcase and I looked like I was crying. I knocked on his door and saw Derek open it he pulled me into a hug the minute he saw me.
D: what happened are you okay why you crying?
Y: M-ma-tia doesn't believe me aaand he thinks that Iii am to clingy
D: okay so I am guessing you wanna stay here for a bit.
Y: and um I am pregnant but pls just come with me to the appointments since he isn't here
D: um yeah okay do you have one now
Y: yeah actually we can go now just let me change.
He put my stuff in a room and said I could change there. I changed and came out we left the house and went in his car. We reached the office and the doctor said that I was about 2 months along.
Y: but I only found out today
D: You were probably really busy so is this the dad
Y: no um the dad doesn't know yet and he is visiting his parents.
I lied cause I didn't wanna seem like he was a bad person. I was the one who left she just took bloodwork and checked if there really was a baby. She finished and she gave me some medicine to take daily. I thanked her and we left. We drove to his house and I went to the room and slept.
Derek POV:
She fell asleep and I locked the door and went to her house. When I opened the door I saw Mattia hugging Lena. He saw me and came up to me.
D: aye Lena why you all up on that girl anyway where is Khalid.
M: in our room I don't know
L: I think she doesn't want to be seen
D: Lena I swear if you did something to her
M: Let me go check
We went and obviously she wasn't there but he didn't know that. He started searching everywhere and he searched in what I am guessing is Zayn's room. He wasn't there either he was with Khalid at my house but I wanted to teach him a lesson. He rushed out of the house and into his car leaving Lena there shocked. I told him to meet me at my house.
Mattia's POV:
I was panicked when I pulled up in his driveway I saw Khalid's car and heard Zayn laughing inside. When I opened I saw her I rushed to hug her but she dodged it.
M: what what's wrong why did you leave?
Y: um doesn't LENA need you huh maybe you should ask her since I am clingy
M: Why do you always have to be like this damn
Y: oh so I am the problem ok that's fine me and Zayn will just stay here.
M: ok I am sorry
Y: Yeah but next time you have to trust me ok
M: yeah so you wanna stay here for the night cause I don't wanna go be with Lena right now
Y: wait get mine and Zayn's things and I will get Lena out of our house.
We got home and Zayn was getting fussy so I picked him up when we got inside. Lena came up to me. Me and Mattia had a plan he would go in first in the back because I wanted to show him what she was like. He came in then I did he was hiding. She came up to me and slapped me she then poured her soda on me. Mattia came out and saw what she had done she tried to apologize but Mattia told her to leave she eventually left and I was gonna tell him tomorrow.

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