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3weeks later
We were going to visit my mom and dad and all my other siblings and their partners were already there.
M: so are you gonna tell them the news yet or
Y: nah I don't really wanna tell them yet we can wait but I am gonna be wearing your shirts and you cannot touch my stomach ok.
Zayn: Mama dada wet's go pws
M: you heard my baby let's go
I picked him up and put him in his car seat. We drove there and since they lived in another state. We lived in LA and they lived in Atlanta it took us some time to get there. We had to stop a lot in the past 15 minutes Zayn started crying and hasn't stopped. We stopped at a garage Mattia went to go buy snacks and drinks and I went into the back to sit next to Zayn.
Y: Zayn baby what is wrong tell me
Z: I wan you
Y: baby ok come here stop crying
He jumped into my arms after I took him out of his car seat. Mattia came back and Zayn fell asleep. I put him in his car set and took a nap we continued for about 30 minutes before I needed the bathroom. We stopped I did what I had to and then we continued. We eventually arrived and Zayn was still sleeping. We went inside and my mom came and told us where we would sleep and that dinner would be served soon.  We went in and nobody was in the kitchen so I wanted to go get some water. I heard pots and I heard my mom getting a belt. I heard screaming and someone getting beaten.
Y/M: What are you doing
M: I was hungry
Y/M: I asked what you were doing before I give you another dirty slap.
M: I was eating from your pots
Y/M: so you can't wait for me to comeback
M: You were in the bathroom
I heard him get beaten again.
M: DAMN!!!
I just burst into laughter me and my siblings were rolling. We were dying of laughter until we heard my mom.
Y/M: oh you are laughing you are all next
We all kept quiet and she told us food was ready Mattia ate standing though.
Y: Tia are you not gonna sit down
M: I would but my ass hurts like hell
Y/M: speak like that again and I am going to beat you some more.
M: sorry
We all laughed and my mom flared at us we kept quiet. We finished eating and Mattia got dish duty so everybody else went to bed. Zayn was refusing to sleep I tried to make him sleep but he didn't want. He ended up leaving I thought he was going to Mattia but then I heard my mom talking to him. I fell asleep after that cause I was exhausted.
Mattia's POV:
I heard Zayn my butt hurt after Khalid's mom beat me. I am never going to touch her pots again. I went into the living room and I saw Khalid's mom holding Zayn she cane to talk to me. I was giving him his bottle she started speaking.
Y/M: you know I don't want to keep hurting you but you have to know there are rules in my house okay.
M: yes ma'am
Y/M: don't call me ma'am call me mom you make me feel so old now give me my grand baby and go sleep goodnight
M: goodnight

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now