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You and Mattia were going to bed but you wanted to prank him so you hid a camera and did a intro.When before you went to bed Mattia asked you for juices you went and put viagra in his juice when you gave it to him:Babe damn what did you put in this it tastes amazing. You got so scared then you said goodnight and got into your bed.You kissed Mattia goodnight on the cheek and you felt Mattia giving you hickies you told him to stop but he: Babe c'mon the babies are sleeping just let me You: no Mattia we can't you know  Liyah just learnt how to open doors. Mattia: then we can lock the door You: what if she starts crying. Then he started kissing you. You went to go play on his phone. He put his phone away and and pushed you on the bed you took his phone and moved him away. You started running and Mattia chased you. You were going then you decided to tell him you told him: ITS A PRANK SO STOP BEING SO CLINGY! TEAM KHALID FOR THE WIN!!! You picked up the camera and Mattia started laughing. You ended the video and wanted to go to sleep. You got in bed and he started kissing your neck and then went down to your stomach and smut. He finished and you changed into pajamas and slept

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now