Part 22

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Quarantine day 2.                                                          You woke up to Mattia and Aaliyah watching Peppa pig. They were watching it with AirPods. Mattia: Aaliyah she your gonna wake mama up Aaliyah: sowwy papa. Then she burst into tears Mattia took her to the balcony.  Mattia's POV: Aaliyah burst into tears I took her outside Mattia:Aliyah princess what's wrong talk to me Aaliyah: I-I'm-m s-s-sow-wy Papa.                          Mattia:I know but why did you cry princess.      Aaliyah: I was being bad and Papa no love me. Mattia: No baby I love you with all my heart okay. I gave her a hug and took her downstairs to make breakfast I made her a sandwich. I gave her a bath and watched a movie and we both fell asleep. Your POV: I went and took a shower a took a long shower for once it was so relaxing I got out and decided to wear:

 Your POV: I went and took a shower a took a long shower for once it was so relaxing I got out and decided to wear:

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I walked to the twins room and Khadijah's twins speaking in this funny language. I took all of them out and changed their diapers I took them to go eat which was a mission. I cut up some fruits for them and put it on their high chairs. I made myself a smoothie and cleaned them up and gave them a bath all in the same tub a took a picture.I sent it to Khadijah I took them out and put them in:

I sent it to Khadijah I took them out and put them in:

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The twins and their hairstyle:

The twins and their hairstyle:

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The boys

I sat them down to watch a movie when I came back I saw the Malik kicking Hadiya and Haniya punching Mohammed

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I sat them down to watch a movie when I came back I saw the Malik kicking Hadiya and Haniya punching Mohammed. They were all beating each other up I broke up the fight             You:HEY YOU FOUR WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU HOW CAN YOU FIGHT EACHOTHER.                                                                     They all burst into to tears and looked down.      You:No you guys better start talking before I do something you won't like.                                                        Hadiya: Mommy sorry it is all Mawik's faut . Malik: No it is all Haniya's faut she stawted it
Haniya: No Mo stawted it I just told him to stop
Mohammed:No it is aw theiw fauts especially Hadiya.                                                                                                       You: I am going to beat all four of you if you don't start talking now must I fetch my belt.         All of them: No pls no We all did we all fought.    You:so why did you all lie to me huh.                      All of them: We are sowwy we didn't mean to lie to you we were just fighting.                                 You: Ok no TV for the rest of the day and No fighting okay.                                                                 All of them: We promise not to but what are we gonna do all day.                                                          You: You guys can play in the room I will bring you toys but if I see you fighting even two of you I am going to beat you all. After I said that they ran to the play room. I decided to wake all the people after all it was 12:00 in the afternoon.I grabbed Ice and water and headed to all the rooms I poured on everyone and ran. I went to go look for Mattia and Aaliyah I looked all around and then I went to the attic and found them sleeping I took Aaliyah out of his arms and in to her bed. I went up with snacks and locked the door. I went into Mattia's arms and switched on the TV I started watch All American. I felt hands snake around my waist and turned to Mattia.                                 Mattia: Babygirl where are the kids where did-    You:I took her downstairs I was thinking that we haven't been alone for a couple of days and we have time.                                                                 Mattia: Baby come here I have been waiting all this time. You guys had a passionate kiss and did the dirty. When you finished you took a nap you woke up to crying you got dressed and ran downstairs you saw Aaliyah crying in her cot she started saying scary lady scary lady then it hit you she remembered the day with Jenna. You told her to not be scared everybody ate and went to bed.

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