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9months later
Khalid POV:
Cynthia went into labor a few hours ago and was just about to give birth
C:Khalid I can't do this I can't do this whole thing I don't want to have a baby you can keep it I don't care I am not gonna be able to raise a child with my lifestyle consider it as your gift to me pls just take care of the baby.
Y: Cynthia what do you mean
C: I am giving you my baby you can sign the birth certificate and everything you will be this babies mother not me I don't want to be a mom and I cannot be a good one but you will be ok
Y: thanks so much but you will obviously visit the child right
C: so what are you gonna name him
Y: Zayn Parker Elijah Polibio
C: wow that is a very long name but it's cool
Y: yeah I discussed with Mattia he said he liked it
C: oh ok well I feel the need to push can you call the doctor
C/m: baby oh there you are you okay how is my grand baby doing
C: Mom I am giving the baby to Khal and Mattia
C/m: oh why would you do such a thing to my child Khalid
I walked out of that room to go find the doctor I told him and he said that the baby was coming and she could pick who was staying she picked me and everybody else went outside.
M: omg is she having the baby now
Y: yes get up your child is about to be born
D: I am going to need you to push as hard as you can.
She pushed for 2 minutes and the baby came out. She fell asleep straight away which shocked me but hey she was up all night so. They took the baby for testing and me and Matt spoke for a while.
M: I can't believe I am a father
Y: I can't believe I am a mom
M: what do you mean
Y: Cynth said I could keep her baby
M: oh ok so we naming him Zayn Parker Elijah Polibio right
Y: yes we are I still want her to stay with us though you know
M: yah I don't mind it's completely up to you
Y:I can't believe I am taking care of a child at 19.
M: I can't believe I am  20
Y: well looks like the baby back and here is the certificate is here as well
We signed the certificate and I held him for the first time and he smiled. The gave me a bottle and I fed him. We took pictures and I gave him to Mattia and he started smiling again. They taught us how to change the diaper and helped us with everything thing else and told us we could take him home tomorrow.We were sleeping that got a call saying Jenna was in labor as well we rushed to her room and she started giving birth.
J: Mattia there is a chance that this baby is not yours but we will only know when he is born
M: what do you mean
J: if he comes out mixed it is not your baby but if not then he is yours
M: really Jenna I thought we were cool what the heck
She pushed and the baby came out mixed Mattia wanted to leave but I told him that she needed us.
M: why should we stay she lied
Y: we have to forgive her she has nowhere to go bubs pls
M: fine but I am not being a dad to that baby
Y: yeah that is totally ok
We went back inside and they told us he could go home tomorrow as well. We went back to Cynthia's room and fell asleep. We woke up and took the girls and the babies home.
C: I am going to take a shower and nap bye
J: I am going to my room with Xavier( the baby)
We took Zayn in the house and I gave him a bath and put him in:

C: I am going to take a shower and nap bye J: I am going to my room with Xavier( the baby) We took Zayn in the house and I gave him a bath and put him in:

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I let him sleep and went to go have a snack. I watched TV while he was asleep on the bed next to me. I heard Xavier crying and heard Jenna snoring I took him out of her room and changed him then gave him a bottle and he fell asleep I put him in his nursery:

 I heard Xavier crying and heard Jenna snoring I took him out of her room and changed him then gave him a bottle and he fell asleep I put him in his nursery:

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I tried putting him down and he held onto my shirt so I had to carry him and walk with him. I made everybody supper and called the down.
J: where is my baby
Y: okay your baby wouldn't let go of my shirt here if you can help me take him off
She helped me and Cynthia came down I fetched him.
Y: hey Cynth wanna hold him
C: no I am scared I am gonna drop him
Y: its fine come I will help you
I sat next to her and handed her the baby I positioned her arms and she held him for like 2 minutes and then he started crying.I took him and he stopped crying I fed him and played with Mattia and I played with him.Until we fell asleep I put him in his bed next to our bed.

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now