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Today I was having a party and finally revealing the secret. I invited quite a lot of people just almost everyone's families.

I sent them to get things that I knew would take the whole day so I cooked all the food the night before and hid it.

I also wen to the store to get the ingredients everyone knew when to come back home everyone started arriving and then everyone came back home. Once everyone arrived I called them to come to the backyard.

Everybody: so Aaliyah why are we here
Y: I have been keeping something from everyone for a long time if you are new or we have never met my name is Aaliyah I was arranged to marry Mattia about 3 years ago we have a child who is 2 his name is Zayn and um I have been keeping something for 4 months.
Everybody: just tell us already
Y: ok so let's go to the cake and no peaking ok babe come with me and bring Zayn
M: ok

We walked to the cake and I opened it I cut it open and pink liquid and found a note Mattia picked it up at first he was confused and then he hugged me and started crying I did too.
Everybody but the two of us: well what does it say
M: congrats you are gonna be a dad to a lucky girl
Everybody started rushing and gave me a hug.
M: I thought it wasn't possible for you to be pregnant and how did you not start showing
Y: oh I have let me show you
I went and changed into a dress that was gray and a little tight I had a black hijab on just thrown over the shoulder and Mattia's Champion hoodie I went and showed him my belly.
M: oh my gosh babe I knew it Kairi my money
Kai: ugh whatever here
Y: wait what
M: hate to tell you don't attack me but I kinda knew cause you said you were on your "period"
But you only bled for a day and you were kinda getting a stomach and you ate so much and you mixed some weird shit together
Y: hey I am pregnant
M: yeah but do you really have to eat Cheetos and Hershey's with ran
Y: hey you this is our child who like is not me
M: I don't care
Y: oh yeah and it is twins
M: oh my gosh I love you so much
Y: yes yes I love me too
M: whatever

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now