Part 3

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Mattia saved you                                                           *skip to the day of your wedding*.                            You and Mattia started liking each other how you looked

                            You and Mattia started liking each other how you looked

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Is your dress

How your hijab looked

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How your hijab looked

How your makeup looked you wore air forces and nobody saw it was almost your time to walk down the isle

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How your makeup looked you wore air forces and nobody saw it was almost your time to walk down the isle.You were holding your dads hand when it was time for you to go you were terrified but you looked up to see Mattia crying as you were walking towards him.You started getting happy and everyone was smiling your dimples on your cheeks were so deep at this moment you finally realized you liked Mattia you got to the isle and you wiped his tears everyone laughed * skip* Mattia you may now kiss the bride Mattia leaned in then got a tissue from behind you everyone started laughing you finally kissed it was a slow kiss once you pulled away everyone smiled you went to take pictures like these

You started getting happy and everyone was smiling your dimples on your cheeks were so deep at this moment you finally realized you liked Mattia you got to the isle and you wiped his tears everyone laughed * skip* Mattia you may now kiss the bride...

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You went to the reception and had a wonderful time

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You went to the reception and had a wonderful time.*honeymoon time * You were going to Italy for the first month then you were going to South Africa. You were currently in you and Mattia's house when you heard screams that sounded like girls you and Mattia were lying on the couch with your head on his chest. Mattia got up to see who it was from the third floor

 Mattia got up to see who it was from the third floor

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He came running down in a panic. Mattia: there are fans outside our house You: what do you mean Mattia:just switch off the lights and hide they are coming Mattia don't be dramatic I have a plan okay. You told Mattia to mess his hair up and wear his robe and you did the same and messed tied your hijab funny You opened the door and everyone was so happy to see you they started asking you for pictures and the both of you. You and Mattia took a lot of photos then went to back because tomorrow you had a flight.*skip to South Africa* You and Mattia finally got to the hotel you were watching TV when Mattia started kissing your neck and that led to *baby making process* you finished and thought that you were only 17 You decide to go to sleep * skip to back home* You and Mattia live in your own house now. It was morning and you woke up feeling sick you ran to the bathroom and threw up. Mattia immediately came in and held you hair you threw up for a whole hour then you went back to sleep. You woke up at 12 pm and wanted to go get groceries but Mattia went instead so you invited Khadijah over. You guys had fun then she went home Mattia came home and made you food it was your favorite Mac&Cheese but the minute you smelled it you felt sick Mattia started getting worried so you went to bed.Mattia gave you medicine and went to the drugstore he came back with something

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now