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I woke up and they drove me to a house it was smaller than the one I lived in but it was still big. They took me a gave me water which was shocking but then this guys started speaking.
Guy: Do you know we brought you here
Y: um no can you just take me home
Guy: no
Y: why pls just let me go home
Guy: You have to stay here for a while because we want some money and your husband loves you a lot so he will pay a huge reward to whoever finds you.
Y: but he isn't dumb you do realize that they are on their way now you guys are about to die
Guy: what n-
M: Aye why did you take my wife huh
Guy: We didn't know that they would be that fast
M: no no no why did you take her
Guy: we wanted quick cash
M: hahahahahaha see the thing is now you are gonna make me money or I hand you to the cops
Guy2: no you can't do that
Guy3: man I have got 5 kids at home I can't go to jail I told you to just go ask him for money
Guy: Pls just I need a place to stay and my wife is pregnant and I don't have any money left pls help us
M: ok I have a  tiny cottage you all can stay there with your families but you will all work for me.
Guy: ok but how will we all fit
Y: trust me there is enough space
We went home and they brought their families and we showed them the cottage.

 Guy: ok but how will we all fit Y: trust me there is enough space We went home and they brought their families and we showed them the cottage

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All guys: I thought you said it was a cottage
M: it is
Children: wow this is huge
They all went inside and moved their things inside. We went inside our house.
Y: where is my baby
M: I am right here
Y: no my baby you know Zayn
M: ugh he is with my mom
Y: where are they she must be exhausted
M: She had to kids of her own Zayn can't be that bad
Y:  you're just saying that because Zayn is good when your around
M: not true he is a mama's boy
Y: why do you lie he loves his dad
His mom came and gave me Zayn and she looked tired and she left he was sleeping so I put him to bed.

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now