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A few months later* skip her college she got a medical degree*

Her graduation day
Zayn goes to school and Mattia does what he does.
Today I woke up and got dressed and waited for Zayn to wake up he wasn't going to school today since it was my graduation and Mattia wasn't gonna be able to drop him off.
Once he woke up I got him dressed and gave him his food.

M: Babe let's go we are gonna be late!!!
A: coming!!
Z: mama come on
A: you just like your papa always rushing me
Z:* giggles

M: Babe let's go we are gonna be late!!!A: coming!!Z: mama come on A: you just like your papa always rushing me Z:* giggles

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Liyah: Graduation check

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We got there and I went to where I was supposed to sit. Blah blah blah

After graduation I was so happy but also tired.
We were driving home and he took a different turn.

Y: Babe wrong turn
M: no
Y: yes
M: no
Y: ugh you know what where are we going
M: I can't tell you
Y: pls🥺🥺🥺
M: no
Y: ugh fine
Y: is Khadijah gonna be there cause she forgot about my graduation
M: I don't know we will find out

After the long car ride we were there Zayn was sleeping so I carried him inside.
When we got there we went inside a house and people jumped up and said surprise and Zayn woke up and started crying.

I was starting to soothe him when someone took him away. I walked into the backyard and saw the boys they said they had a surprise for me.

Y: thanks guys but no more
The boys: yes more
Y: ok so what is it
The boys: ok so we all know how we met right
Y: yah
The boys: so we decided to move in together
Y: cool thank y'all so much

I was talking with some of my friends from college and I saw someone I never expected to see..

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now