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Quarantine day 10                                                            I woke up to yelling I went downstairs and so Jenna and Cynthia I was on the top step so they didn't see me they were both holding pregnancy tests. I started giggling and then they turned to see me they were shocked I burst into laughter thinking of the child support. I went to go make everyone food so they could eat. I made food and dessert I told everyone to stop fighting and come eat they were shocked but they came to eat and we talk   Mattia: So you both are pregnant dang it.              J: I just wanted to say Khalid I am so sorry for doing those things to you pls forgive me
C: I hope we can all become besties for the sake of our kids and just ourselves
Y: I forgive you guys and was wondering if you wanted to move in I had to help with babies all the time so I can help y'all
M: I think that is a great idea so when is the first appointment.
J: It is gonna be tomorrow I was hoping I could just go with Khalid if she doesn't mind
Y: um sure I don't mind I will go with you and if Cynthia also wants I will go with her.
C: Thanks I would also like to go with just you.
M: dang so y'all just gonna leave me out wow
Y: If you woulda just pulled out we wouldn't be here dude
Everyone started laughing everyone complemented me on the food and I went to go take a shower while showering I played music when I came across dusk til dawn ft. Sia and Zayn. It hit different because it was my oldest sibling my sisters favorite song she loved it she loved singing but it was not her thing. I missed her wanna know what happened. Well it was a crazy story she got pregnant out of wedlock and my mom hated that so she told her to leave I never saw my sister since my mom forbid us but now that I was turning 18 in a June. I would be able to see her I have been trying to get in contact well after that. I got out of the shower and wore this:

After changing I watched Elite and fell asleep

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After changing I watched Elite and fell asleep.
Mattia's POV
I was so stressed I honestly wanted my first child to be from Khalid not gonna lie I don't think she trusts me though. I went to Khalid and I room she was asleep. I put a blanket on her and made some TikToks I posted them when I heard little groans come from the bed. She was so cute in that Baati thing of hers she shouted at me last time I called it a huge dress she literally gave me a whole lecture. She looked fire in them I was thinking of taking her to a church maybe so she could convert to Christianity and of not I would be Muslim I would do that for her. It looks really hard I saw her wake up and she came back with snacks.
M: Why don't you ever stop eating snacks one day your gonna gain wait fast just watch
K: Never not in this lifetime I can't even have children so let me at least have a food baby
M: wait what do you mean by that?
K: oh when my sister left um I got leukemia but I am free from it like for life but the doctors said I could never have kids and if I did get pregnant they wouldn't live.
M: this pregnancy thing must be so hard for you dang
K: well yeah but I mean they are gifts
M: well I wanna apologize for being a dick to you I really want things to go well.
K: yeah ok
We hung out for the rest of the day we kept talking and laughing it was so much fun I think I was catching feelings for her.

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now