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We were going to New Jersey after visiting my mom to spend time with Mattia's family for Christmas. We started our journey and we just made it we alternated so we could each get some rest but we finally made it there and Mattia's mom ran outside to come give me a hug.
M: aye ma what about me
M/M: sorry she is just amazing oh and some of our friends are here
M: oh ok who
M/M:There are the boys and their girls and some other girls.
Y: oh ok U wonder who they are
Z: I hungwy
M/M: let's go get food baby
She picked Zayn up and took him to go eat I guess. Me and Mattia fetched our bags and when we walked in a girl ran to Mattia and hugged him really tight. I went to Khadijah and we spoke for a while and caught up she told me that her and Alejandro were doing great but they had been trying and she couldn't get pregnant.
Y: it's okay you know just keep trying and you will get pregnant just don't put to much stress in your body.
K: thanks but why do you look so chubby
Y: oh you know me I don't eat what I am supposed to and I just got lazy to workout you know.
K: oh ok haha me too
Y: yeah I am gonna go take a nap now bye
K: bye
I went downstairs and those girls came down as well.
Y: hi my name is AALIYAH(so everybody knows I am changing the name to Aaliyah)
Girl1: why did you come with my man
Girl2: ugh Jora stop it he is not your man
J: oh just shut up anyways I didn't get an answer
Y: oh well Mattia you know AKA my husband and I came here to visit you?
J: I came here to get him back and Lena here tagged along
L: I am so sorry I thought we were going to a concert cause that is what she told me but no here we are.
J: ugh why can't you be rude sometimes
Then Mattia was coming down and then she fell.
Y: Oh my gosh let me help you up
J: no don't touch me again why would you hit me
Y: what that is not true at all
Mattia looked at me then Jora he went to go help her up and I laughed two can play at this game while he went to the bathroom to go get something from the medicine cabinet. I made it as if she kicked me in my stomach.
M: Jora what happened here
Y: she kicked me in the stomach Tia 🥺🥺
M: Jora and Lena pls go upstairs
J: but-
M: go
They left and I smirked and then we cuddled and I fell asleep.
Mattia's POV:
After she fell asleep I went upstairs to go talk with my friends. Jora gave me a drink and I felt weird so I went downstairs I think and slept.

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now