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Mattia's POV:
It has been months since I last saw her when we were at the hospital I was thirsty so I fetched water and when I came back she was gone. I hate myself for drinking and Zayn keeps crying for her. Zayn started going to nursery school in a week and I was so stressed. He didn't sleep like normal he kept having these nightmares. I wonder who did it I spoke to everyone who I knew would have an idea but none of them did it I spoke to Jora first.
M: where is my damn wife
J: I don't know one day we were fighting next she disappeared
M: so you are admitting to taking her
J: no Mattia I don't know where she is
Then I spoke to Jenna second. I spoke to my enemies even but no one knew where she was. Zayn's first birthday was just another reminder so I didn't celebrate it. I was just so broken and Zayn just kept asking for his mama as he says but I also didn't know where in the hell she was.

Then it hit me.


Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now