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Mattia's POV:
Zayn has been really sad this whole week. He refuses to do anything on his own he just cries and wants to be carried all day. I picked him up and he finally said something.
Z: me hungey
M: ok baby what you want
Z: I wan cake
M: ok baby but you have to have food first
Z: no I wan cake
M: baby you have to eat food first
??: just give him what he wants
I know that voice my baby is back I turned around and saw her. Zayn ran to her and so did I.
Z: I missed you Mama
Y: me to baby
M: oh my fucking god your back fuck yeah
Y: Tia the baby
M: oh well he didn't say it
Z: fuck*giggles* fuck, fuck, fuck
Y: Tia
M: Zayn baby no saying that
Z: you said it
M: yes and I was being naughty
Z: oh ok wet's bof go to da cownew
M: ok bud
I laughed and followed him.
Z: Papa
M: yes
Z: whewe wewe you all da time
M: what do you mean
Z: why you keep leaving me and mama
M: baby I have a secret ok you can't tell anyone ok
Z: ok
M: I was planning on taking mama and you on a trip.
Z: really whewe we goin
M: it's a surprise ok
Z: you can't tew me
M: yes
I sat with him and he was watching YouTube on my phone. He fell asleep after a while so I put him  on our bed with pillows around him so he wouldn't fall.

Aaliyah's POV:
I have been keeping a secret from him it was eating me alive but I was waiting for the right time. I was scared of what he was gonna say.

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Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now