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Quarantine day 1                                                           I woke up and went to the kitchen to make food. I was when I felt hands on my waist I turned and saw Mattia. We heard the door I opened and saw the boys and their girlfriends. I saw Khadijah and Alejandro's babies I went to pick them up. I put them down and everyone moved in without my permission but we couldn't leave. I finished cooking for all of us and gave them the food. I was walking to the twins room when I saw Kairi and his girlfriend holding the twins I gave them the twins bottles and their burping towels as I went to fetch Liyah I heard screaming I ran back into the room and saw that the twins vomited on Kairi. I fetched Liyah and offered to wash Kairi's shirt. Mattia took Liyah and went to go play fifa  he put her favorite show on his phone. You where in your room when you heard a glass break you ran out to see Ashley( Alvaro's girl) and Avery ( Kairi's girl) fighting you went to go stop the fight they were both 5'4 and you are 5'2 you broke them apart. You sat them down to talk.                                                                                                   You: Guys what happened                                              Ashley: So we were talking about having kids right so I asked her how many she wanted she told me she wanted to have 1 I said that Alvaro would want more than 1 and then she fought me                                                                                    Avery: Nah this bitch got it twisted she slapped me when I told her it was my choice!!!!!!                    You: SHUT UP !!!!!!! BOTH OF YOU GO TO YOUR ROOMS AND THINK ABOUT WHAT UOU HAVE DONE I WILL TELL YOU WHEN YOU CAN LEAVE YOUR ROOMS AND I DONT WANT TO HEAR A SINGLE WORD             They ran to the rooms you locked the door. You  started having an anxiety attack you started pacing until you fainted.                                      Mattia's POV                                                                       We all heard a thud I saw that Aaliyah was sleeping so I took my phone and I took Aaliyah to her cot I walked in our room and I saw Khalid passed out on the floor. Her face was stained with tears she was still breathing but she was unconscious. I called everyone to the room the boys and Khadijah walked in. She said that she probably had a panic attack. I fetched her water and her pills. I poured her with the water and she woke up.                               Khalid: AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!                     We all burst into laughter everyone left and I asked her what happened she told me she just got overwhelmed. We played board games and watched movies and then went to bed. Alejandro boys slept in the twins room and Aaliyah room. I didn't like the idea but I was fine with it.

Teen parents Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now