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It’s been a long day for me and I am just so glad the campaign is over but that also means spending the rest of my days locked up in this hell hole until I get another chance to walk out of the gate, who knows it might be for good. I prefer staying in here than giving talks about IED.

I sigh in relief as I change into my favorite pink pants and I throw in a shirt immediately I get to my room. I was literally suffocating in this tight dress but I didn’t notice that until now. I was slightly comfortless initially but it was long replaced by nervousness even before I started walking to the stage.

I can’t believe I had the courage to even stand in front of hundreds of people, not the typical teenagers that I was used to for the last three days. Today I talked to parents, leaders and very influential people about IED. Initially I was nervous but minutes later i was so immersed and very emotional that I started shedding tears as I narrated my life story.

Telling people how I lost my parents at the age of five without missing a single detail and how my life took a drastic turn afterwards. A story that made many people shed tears too. A story that’s so painful.

I walk in front of the mirror and I smile to myself as I undo the tight bun, shake my head slightly to let my hair fall loosely on my shoulders covering the better part of my upper back too.

_You did it, Belle._ I say to myself as I read the words printed on my shirt ‘Reformed’. I am finally reformed.

If you told me three years ago that I would one day appreciate coming to this facility I would have termed you stupid but here I am three years later. I don’t need pills to sleep and I don’t even remember the last time I swallowed anxiety pills. I still get nightmares once in a while but it is nothing I can’t handle.

We were given the shirts when we graduated from wing three to four, it’s like graduating from grade three to four. They group us with the level of sanity that means those in wing one and two are in extremely bad conditions. I was once there and I was the sanest so you can imagine…

We graduated to wing two and to three and here I am, very few steps away from getting out of this shitty place and according to Dr. Elizabeth, Nick and I might be freed soon.

I didn’t even get time to break the good news to Nick, they had already dispersed and we are not allowed in the boy’s quarter. He will be fucking glad.


“There you are.” I chirp excitedly walking over to Nick and Jess.

I am not surprised to find them together. Jessica is always forcing herself on Nick. But she is a great girl, i would recommend her for him if I didn’t know how much he loves Tanya, his girlfriend.

Nick still holds on to the promise that Tanya made to him three years ago but I doubt that she is still single waiting for him to come back. I have never told him that though, I can’t be the one to break his heart. And maybe their love was way stronger compared to what Randal and I shared.

My boyfriend didn’t even come to see me in when I was held up in a police cell, all my friends did and I still had faith that he would show up in court but he didn’t. I don’t judge him though, maybe I scared him away and he has every right to want nothing to do with me again.

I know he probably moved on and you know what’s even strange? It doesn’t hurt.

“I have something to tell you.” I say leaning to kiss his cheek before proceeding to sit next to him.

“Lay it on me, I am all ears.” He says turning to look at me and I glance at Jess.

“Um…i will tell you later, it is…personal.” His eyes trail to Jessica who is busy sulking and he nods.

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