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"Daddy is calling again, it's a voice call."

"Speakerphone, please." Lee instructs and Gilbert nods placing the phone on the table.

"Missed me already?" He asks and Richard takes a long breath from the other end.

"You were better off in prison and the worst mistake you made was breaking free." That sounds like a threat to me.

"Twenty six years is a long ass time to pay for a crime that i didn't commit, don't you think?" Gilbert is all calm.

"Prison is better than a grave, don't you think." Now that's definitely a threat but Gilbert ain't the one to be intimidated by Richard.

"How do you plan on killing me? Sending your men to do the dirty work for you like you did with Anna or are you willing to get dirty this time?"

"I am yet to decide. What did you do to Josh and Lucas?" Ooh, he finally remembered that Josh and i were with Lily.

"He doesn't have to know that Lucas played a part in all this, he trusts him and we could use that." Keith tells us and i nod at Gilbert.

"I hope Lily is gaged, she might expose you." Keith says just as Lily starts to shout.

"Lucas is..." I rush immediately towards her and i force my gun inside her mouth. She doesn't get to finish the sentence.

"That was close." I whisper.

"What is wrong with you two? Lily should be gaged especially when Gilbert is on the phone with Richard." Lee half shouts at me.

"I have one of them with me but i ain't sure if his name is Lucas or Josh." Gilbert is smart.

"Lucas is Lily's fiance and Josh is Lily's son, that should help." Richard says from the other end.

"Ooh, Lucas is bleeding right besides his fiancée and Josh is somewhere safe for now."

"Don't hurt Josh he is a kid and..."

"You should have thought about that when you instructed your men to kill Anna and my daughter." Gilbert sighs painfully. "She was five, Richard."

"So this is revenge?"

"This is me trying to get my only daughter back."

"Where exactly did you take my grandson?"

"Now why on earth would i answer that? Something tells me that you will kill Belle and i once you get Lily back."

"I give you my word, no one is getting hurt."

"And you expect me to buy that?"

"If you bring me Josh and Lily, i promise no one will get hurt."

"Josh is our backup plan, he will be safe as long as you keep the promise. I will have my guy bring him to you but if you make a mistake of breaking that promise." Gilbert chuckles. "If you break your promise and decide to hurt us after you get your daughter, your grandson dies."

"You are still a smart one, huh?"

"Prison makes you extra smart. All thanks to you. I have three members of your family make wise decisions."

"Just two, you can get rid of the fiancée if you please you will be doing me a huge favor."


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