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“I will drive.” I say glomming the key from Jake and I am on the driver’s seat even before he says anything.  He doesn’t make a fuss over it like he did five minutes ago when I stormed out of the hospital room. He knows he’ll lose.

No way in hell I’m sitting my ass doing nothing when Belle is at Richard’s mercies, the literal meaning of that phrase is so ironic considering the person in question. Richard has no mercy.

The motherfucker doesn’t have a heart and that makes him incapable of feeling compassion or anything of the sort.

“You might want to de-escalate, we are on the freeway for fucks sake!” Jake yells at me as he fastens his seat belt when we hit the highway but I give him a deaf ear. “We will get lots of speeding tickets if you keep up the speed.”

“I don’t give a fuck about that right now, Belle needs me.” I say overtaking a black Audi and the driver is kind enough to give me the middle finger for almost scratching his car.

If I weren’t driving at a high speed and distressed, I would have reciprocated that. Right now I have to keep my eyes on the road lest I cause a huge accident.

I can’t help but worry about her.

I am driving at an overly high speed, 100 mph to be precise. That’s 35mph over the limit, I can only imagine all the tickets Jake will be getting today but it is nothing I can’t sort out.

I should get to the forestland ASAP. Richard has a house in the middle of fucking forest a 120 minutes drive from the hospital; it’s where he does all his dirty work. I am not sure but I guess that’s where he took Belle, Jeremy oversees things for Richard over there and it explains why Jeremy knows her name.

Parlous, right? I know.

We figured if we want to take Richard down then we needed to know everything that he does, that meant sending someone over to that house to keep tabs for us and who could do a better job than Jeremy? He is a perfectionist and he settles at nothing but the best.

He managed to install security cameras all over the house and I can bet with my life that Richard or any other person can’t find out.

We have tons of evidence against him that could really destroy his political life, career and even his personal life. But unfortunately we can’t do shit about it.

We haven’t taken any action yet and we can’t till we take back what is rightfully ours. It is our main goal. Well, getting everything back and making him pay for killing our parents.

We have no evidence showing that Richard indeed had my parents killed to get their fortune. He got everything legally and the court assumed that he didn’t have a motive; that happened sixteen years ago. Will give you the details one of this days and I am pretty sure you will agree with me that our system is very corrupt.

Very corrupt.

Exposing Richard now will do us more harm than good, it means sending him to jail for murder which he can easily get away with. We can’t kill him just yet that would make his daughter the rightful owner of all the companies.

In both cases we will end up losing our family legacies for good and that’s not what we want.

"I had no idea that Belle went through such an excruciating childhood." Jake says after a long silence. I briskly gave him a concise story of what happened to Belle when she was five, his voice is lower than usual and I know he is rueful for judging her.

He had it rough too and I am pretty sure he can relate. He lost his mom and dad in a grisly road accident when he was fifteen. Fair for him he has no one to blame.

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