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I sough in relief after a refreshing cold shower, wrapping the towel around my waist as i step out of the bath tub. I trudge in the spacious bath to the mirror and i stare at my reflection for a moment too long.

The running cold water has worked some magic on me I feel somehow rejuvenated and refreshed though i still have dark circles underneath my eyes and they are still heavy with sleep but it is something I can deal with.

I remember when Belle was in a comma three years ago there was a time I would go for three consecutive days without sleeping and I used to feel like shit. God knows how hard it was for me.

I was so paranoid and I kept thinking that Richard could send someone to erase Belle’s memories or even worse give her a lethal injection. I had to stay awake every time the paranoia crept in.

It was so fucking hellacious for me.

Nothing hurts like watching the only one person that means the whole world to you lying lifelessly on a hospital bed in a comma for six fucking weeks. It hurts like hell especially when the doctors keep telling you that the chances of her surviving are close to nil.

I brush my teeth real quick with one of the new toothbrushes in the rack before wearing the black jeans and white shirt that they brought me, fortunately I fit in them though they are slightly tight.

I walk outside the bathroom in Nick's clothes and a towel draped around my neck. My hair is soaked and i don't want to douse the shirt. I have had this silly habit of not drying my hair after a cold bath ever since I was little I only dry it with a towel only when I am going out but in this case I am not…

I will be stuck in this room until they discharge Belle probably in one to two hours time.

I stand on her bed side and when I make to take her hand in mine, Nick stands up motioning me to sit on the space he has just vacated, next to Belle, and he proceeds to sit between his brother and Jake on the couch.

Yesterday I was extremely jealous of him and I disliked him on first sight. I didn’t like that he is so close to her. I still am jealous but I don’t dislike him anymore. He is making it hard for me to do that.

He really adores Belle and he makes her happy, a friend who is ready to do anything for her and for that I like him the more. Nick is a great guy, how on earth can you not like him? _he is so selfless when it comes to Belle_ unlike me.

I like Nick.

Don’t get it wrong, I still don’t do boys.

Today is the very last day for the search and I am having a very weird vibe about everything. I don’t think they will find any remains of anyone. I mean human bones are not ashes, they would have found them on the very first day.

But we still wanted to make sure that they were not in that house before taking the next step in the search.

It ain’t easy considering that the fire was not accidental, it was schemed and those fuckers had everything well planned. Like they’ve spent their whole life working for everything.

Every fucking thing still leads to Richard but up to now we haven’t found any proof linking him to it. And Keith still thinks that Richard had nothing to do with anything that has been happening to Belle’s family. I asked him why he thinks so and he gave me “I don’t know, I just feel it,” as the answer.

Can Richard really wipe out an entire family? I know he is a heartless jerk and I am the dumbest for even doubting what he is capable of.

He killed both my dad and mom and he wouldn’t have spared us if he knew about our existence. Thanks to our dearest mother for never tagging us along, I guess that’s one of the many reasons why we survived, Richard would have hunted us to the very last end. But at least he killed them for money and wealth.

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