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"Lucas?" Jerr calls and i snap out of my trance. I take a very long calming breath as i push the painful memories away.

"Before you make a decision remember that our brother is in prison and we are the only people who can help him out."

"What decision?" I ask absently.

"Belle or the promise we made to our dying father." He didn't have to add dying but of course he wants me to remember and feel the pain before i make a decision.

"I made a promise to dad and i am not backing down." I say emptying my bottle in a swill.

"I thought you'd chose Belle." He says with a smirk before handing me another bottle of beer.

"I don't back down on my promises, dad was my favourite person and i won't rest until i make him happy, that was like his last wish and you don't deny the dead that."

I am doing this for dad, he died hoping that one day his sons would take back his companies from Richard and we vowed to make sure we get everything back, by all means even if it would be the last thing we do.

"You're just going to give up on Belle?" He asks curiously. He doesn't believe that i can do that?

"I love her but the odds are against us." I might loose everything trying to get a girl that was not meant to be mine.

"Good, Keith can help her track down the person behind everything, you're paying him a good amount for that." I chuckle cocking an eyebrow at him, he has no idea what he is saying.

"I am still helping with that, i promised myself that i won't rest until i know who is behind everything that has been happening to her family, it is the least i can do." And I will stop at nothing.

"What about Lily? She will think that you want Belle."

Fuck Lily and what she thinks, i wish Jerr had even the slightest idea of how it feels to be stuck with a woman you don't even love."

I'd choose hell over that, if i had options.

"Lily can go fuck herself." I say smirking at Jerr's expression.

"That will ruin everything, bro."

"Gosh, i was kidding. I can handle Lily."

"You succeeded to make her believe that Belle meant nothing to you but she ain't dumb to do it twice."

"Leave that to me, i know exactly how to touch her." I don't even have to try hard.

She loves me and for some reasons she always believe me even when the lie is too obvious.

"I still can't believe that you haven't had feelings for Lily, it's been five years since you guys met and she is still head over heels for you."

"You owe Lee two hundred thousand bucks, you lost." I say laughing at him.

They had a bet five years ago. Lee had his money on me not falling for Lily and Jerr was totally against the arrangement saying that i would end up falling for Lily and abandon everything else.

"I guess i have read too much novels." Where the guy ends up falling for the one girl that he is supposed to ruin.

Does that even happen in real life?

"Lily is three years older than me and she is not even attractive." I know i am the only man who doesn't find Lily attractive. Initially lee used  to call me a weirdo.

"Are you kidding me? She is sexy as fuck." That's so exaggerated, Lily doesn't deserve the compliment. If lily is sexy as fuck then Belle is sexier than 'sexy as fuck'.

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