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I sough deeply and audibly before taking the second gulp from my glass and I flutter my eyes close as I savor the familiar feeling of the alcohol burning down my throat.

It feels fucking great. “So disburdening.” I say as I sigh in relief and opening my eyes a sec later.

“Are you okay?” Nick leans in to ask me.

“Am I supposed to be okay?” I ask him rhetorically.

“We can get out of here if you ain’t comfortable.” He suggests but I am quick to shake my head.

“I am not giving him that satisfaction.” I whisper back to him looking around for Stacy.

I am just going to ignore Lucas’ presence though that’s proving to be kinda difficult, my heart won’t stop beating wildly and I can literally feel his eyes on me all the damn time, it makes me slightly uncomfortable.

“You are getting yourself drunk, Belle.” I laugh awkwardly.

“So are you, Nick.”  I say eying his bottle of vodka just as Stacy walks to our table.

“I know how to behave when drunk, but…do you?” he asks with a raised eyebrow and I shake my head.

“That’s why I have a best friend, right?” I smirk at him. “But don’t worry I won’t make a scene, I promise.” I laugh lightly turning to Stacy with a smirk.

“Another shot of vodka?” she asks me and I shake my head.

“Make that a bottle of…this.” I say pointing at Jakes’ bottle of Graves Grain and they gasp loudly before Lucas clears his throat noisily.

“Not a chance, too strong for a girl, Bella?” he says before taking a gulp from his glass. Funny he is the only man drinking from a glass the rest are drinking straight from the bottle.

Gentle man much?

“The name is Belle,” I remind him with a smirk on my face and he laughs while staring at me like I am the third wonder of the world.

He has this spark in both of his eyes but I don’t want to conclude shit. The last time I did that, three years ago, I ended up thinking that he was in love with me and we all know how that ended.

“Still feisty, huh?” he asks biting on his lower lip to suppress the laughter and I find that sexy…

Could I be drunk already?

“You are still an asshole…I guess some behaviors don’t change, right?” that makes everyone laugh, even Stacy and I roll my eyes.

Had no idea I could be funny.

“I believe I asked for something, Stacy.” I remind her and for reasons only known to her she turns to Lucas for approval and I roll my eyes at that groaning internally.

I am having whatever I want whether he approves or not, I mean it is not his decision to make.

“Not Grave Grain. Order something else.” Lucas tells me and I sneer at him.

Is he for real? I mean who does he think he is to order me? I am not Lily for fucks sake!

“Are you like commanding me?” I ask him with a slightly raised voice pointing at myself with raised eyebrows.

“You got that right, love. Now don’t keep Stacy waiting.” He says leaving no room for arguments and my mouth hangs open as I shake my head in disbelief.

“Did you forget to air quote the word love?” I ask sarcastically and he shakes my head giving me a smirk. Not a sarcastic one, so genuine.

Lucas is something else. I know he is lowkey irritated and I still don’t understand why, it is my life and he should let me do whatever the fuck I want.

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