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She buries her head in the crook of my neck, tightening her hands around me. Automatically, i tighten my grip on her pulling her impossibly closer to me.

Like a tight warm hug could take the pain away.

I can feel her heart beating very fast against mine and her breathing is labored. She was having a nightmare and she is frantic with fear.

She is sobbing painfully, muttering something in between sobs and I fondle her back while shushing her. I wish i had some supernatural powers to hug and kiss her every pain away.

She has been through so much already, enough to last a million people a life time.

"Elsa is dead.” She whispers a few minutes later. “They raped her until she passed away like they did to Bella." She says with a stutter and I can feel her quivering in fear.

I can literally feel the pain in her voice as she says the second sentence...the agony in her voice.

"Elsa is okay, love. You just had a nightmare." I say stroking her hair in slow motions.

“I saw them…she is dead.” she starts to sob again and i just hold her tight resting my chin on her soft dark hair.

I curse the world. It is so fucking cruel to the wrong people. Belle doesn’t deserve any of this.

No one should go through this.

It doesn’t make any sense to me that fuckers like Richard are out there living their lives to the fullest when innocent people like Belle are suffering.

Is it me or does life punishes the innocents and crowns the devils?

The irony of life.

It hurts deep down that the people that killed Bella and her biological mother might be still alive and free, probably even powerful and influential like Richard.

When will karma finally catch up with them?

"They killed my sisters."

“Hey, relax. It’s going to be fine.” i can't promise her that everything will be okay but I swore to help her through it all. I am not leaving her side, not any more.

Fuck the promise I made to dad! Fuck Lee! Fuck Jeremy! Fuck Lily!

I could have lost her yesterday and I’m not taking chances with her ever again. It’s about time I do what Jake and Keith have been urging me…to man up and fight for Belle.

I don’t think I can win her back though, I guess I lost my only chance when I decided to be a dick and she is so convinced that I’m behind everything that’s been happening and I intend to clear that misunderstanding today. 

No way in hell I’m letting her go through this alone, I’m gonna fight her battles by all means. I don’t have to get her back but she has to know that I still love her, that my heart still beats for her, she has to know that she is the only girl that has ever mattered to me.

I love her so fucking much.

I will open up to her and tell her that Lily means no shit to me. That Lily’s dad killed my parents.

We all anticipated her to throw a hissy fit and well, she does exactly that when she realizes that I’m the one holding her.


“Go away, Lucas. I hate you.” i yell pushing him away and when Nick rushes to me I practically jump in his arms.

Lucas has no shame, he has the guts to take me in his arms even after everything he has ever done to me?

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