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"Where are you taking us?" Lily asks curiously and i smirk at her as i pull by the roadside.

"It's supposed to be a surprise, remember?" She grins. "Spoiler alert, you will totally not like the place." I hint to her but she is just too dumb to get it.

I glance at her when she reaches for my thigh and she has this huge smile that gets me thinking _How can one be so ignorant and too dumb to notice that something is odd._ 

A sudden change of someone's behaviour and attitude towards you ought to raise a red flag, right? I don't remember the last time i was this sweet to her or the last time i took her out.

I would be suspicious in her shoe.

"I will, as long as you are with me." Lily wouldn't settle for anything less just because i am with her. She is not exactly known for her humility. She is the governor's daughter and she walks and talks like she owns the entire state.

"The last time i checked, you weren't this humble and this sweet. What changed?" I am suspicious.

"I thought i had lost you to Belle for good but you came back, i don't want to lose you again." She sounds sincere and there is a hint of jealousy.

"Didn't answer my question."

"I know i haven't been the best fiancée or the easiest person to be with, that's probably the reason why you left and i am willing to drop the bitchy attitude and the pride. I want us to be together, i want the three of us to be a family and i am willing to change in order to achieve that." She rubs me seductively but it doesn't work for me. My body is always numb to her touches.

"Why did we stop, daddy?" Josh asks me from the back seat.

"I am picking someone then we will be on our way." I say honking at Gilbert to come.

"And that someone is?"

"Patience, Lily. He will introduce himself when he gets here." I poke my head out signaling Gilbert to hurry up. He makes his payment and he strides towards the car.

"Your friend looks..." Lily starts.

"I can't wait to get rid of that girl." Gilbert hisses.

Initially, killing Lily and hurting Josh was not in our plan. We had a simple plan, get Richard to transfer his companies to us and kill him, totally leaving Lily and her sweet son out of it.

But Lee met Gilbert and he is hell bent on wiping Richard's entire family, plus shit became complicated when Richard kidnapped Belle. Our entire plan changed.

"Scary?" I ask and she shakes her head eyeing Gilbert with contempt.

"Murderous and the scars on his face are scary." She whispers when Gilbert gets closer.

"Just don't piss him off." I whisper back.

"Sweet Josh will be scared..."

"Be nice, Lily." I whisper to her but obviously Gilbert heard all that.

"Took you long enough." He says eyeing Lily with disdain for a fleeting sec and he stretches his hand for a hand shake and Lily cringes as she reluctantly shake hands with Belle's dad.

"That's bitchy." I comment as Gilbert gets to the back seat and Lily rolls her eyes.

"Daddy, will you buy me candies when we get to the mall?"Josh asks. I guess Josh took after his father, the kid is way too humble, he didn't inherit anything from his mother or his wicked grandfather.

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