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Richard knows. She mouths again and i end up concluding that she wants to tell me that Richard knows that i betrayed Lily.

"I see you didn't get rid of the fiancé." He says eyeing me with contempt like i am some disgusting piece of shit and the way he says the word fiancé, with too much sarcasm tells it all.

I am probably right. Scratch that. I am right, he knows that i lured Lily into a trap.

"Nop, he is all yours." Keith tells him and without any heads-up, he shoves me to the two guys that are standing on Richard's right hand ready to act on his instructions and i do exactly what i am supposed to do. "Killing is not our specialty." He adds, just to distract them.

At least i don't end up on the floor this time but i have two people pointing their guns at me. One of the guys signals me to stand up and i oblige, i know he won't hesitate to hurt me.

"Well, my men here are trained to kill." He says looking directly into my eyes and i should feel threatened but honestly i am not. "They take great pleasure in it actually." I know what they are capable of.

"I don't think your daughter will appreciate that, she is really into him." Gilbert tells Richard.

"I think you meant to say 'my' not 'your'. As in, your daughter. Didn't he help kidnap mine to save yours?"

"It's funny how history has a way of repeating itself." Gilbert says. "Twenty six years ago you and i were fighting over Anna, we were both in love with her. Now Belle and Lily are both in love with Lucas."

"I guess we both know how this one will end." Richard says laughing maliciously. "The guy will end up dead and your daughter will suffer the loss for the rest of her miserable short life." He smirks at Gilbert.

"Now that's the fun part of it, we already know how this one ends." Gilbert says smugly.

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"I take that you are a wise man and you know that the odds can't always favour you."

"Well, some of us control the nature." Richard says shifting eyes to Caleb.

"Watch him and don't hesitate to shoot when he makes to move." He orders him and he nods as he takes steps closer to me pointing his gun at me.

"Your daughter is okay, i made sure of that." Richard tells Gilbert.

"Your daughter is alive i didn't give in to the temptation." Gilbert tells him.

"Expect, she is limping." Richard says gritting his teeth when he takes another look at Lily. "I warned you."

"A daughter for a daughter." Gilbert says. "Well let's get this done with, shall we?" He removes the gag from Lily's mouth whispering something to her discreetly and she sighs in relief.

"Daddy!" She screams and when she makes to run to him, Gilbert clasps her hand pulling her back.

"Free her!" Richard orders Gilbert.

"You go first," Gilbert tells him and he chuckles.

"You still have trust issues?" He squints his eyes at Belle's dad. "Even when you have my grandson as a leverage?"

"The last time i trusted you, i was framed for murder and i have spent the last twenty six years reminding myself to never trust anyone especially you." The words are said with too much pain. "Now free Ana."

_Ana?_ I am so used to Belle that i forgot the full name is AnaBelle and it can be shortened to Ana too.

"Free the girl, Mark." Richard orders the guy that's standing next to Belle and Gilbert frees Lily only when he makes sure that Belle is freed.

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