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"Jeremy is coming with me, the rest can use Ian's car." Keith says after they carefully puts Gilbert and Ian in the backseat and he tosses Lee Ian's key.

I am glad we had Jeremy and Brian (Randal's friend) with us otherwise Gilbert and Ian would have lost too much blood.

Jeremy is a nerd and he can do almost everything pretty well that's the only reason why Richard employed him. Brian on the other hand seems to have a lot of knowledge when it comes to nursing people.

"I am coming with you too." Belle says trying to pull herself away but i tighten my grip on her.

"No you are not." I say.

"He is my father," She argues as she wipes her tears with the back of her hands furiously.

"Let Jeremy take care of him for you."

"I was a nurse practitioner and i can help too, if you don't mind." Brian tells Keith and i eye him skeptically. I don't doubt his expertise, it's his intentions that i doubt.

He works with a physcho and we can't tell what is up his sleeves.

"Sure. We could use your expertise." Keith says as he takes the driver's seat signaling Brian to join Jeremy in the back.

"Are you sure about that? I don't trust him." I tell Keith and he just shrugs.

"We need all the help we can get, Lucas." Jeremy shouts at me.

"Besides, if i wanted to hurt any of you, i would have done that already. Just give me a benefit of doubt, Parker." The way he calls me Parker reminds me of Randal, that asshole.

I swear i will crash and ruin his life like he did Belle's. Three years ago i was very convinced that maybe he felt something for her and now i feel like a fool for even thinking that.

"I don't want him to die," Belle says desperately as Keith starts the car and i tighten my grip on her tiny waist assuring her that all will be okay.

I get the door for Belle and i proceed to get in the backseat with her as Lee takes the driver's seat and he follows Keith who is driving like a maniac.

I know Lee will keep up the pace, he is a badass driver.

"Gilbert is a strong one, he will fight." Lee tells Belle as we head to Ian's car. "He loves you very much."

"And that makes me feel bad for treating him the way i did when i first saw him." She says shutting her eyes tight.

"Every sane person would have done the same in your shoe." I say wiping her tears away and when i hold her right cheek she leans into my touch sobbing gently.

"I can't lose him, he just came into my life." Another tear falls on her cheek but i am quick to flicker it away.

"You are not losing him." I sigh pulling her into my arms and i make her head rest on my shoulder. "He is a strong man, i guess you took after him."

"You think i am strong?" She asks between sobs.

"Nope, i know you are strong." I correct her as i fondle her back in an attempt to calm her down.

Belle is the strongest girl i have ever met, she has been through hell but she is still surviving.

"I still can't believe that Randal is Jenna's brother, i feel used." She takes a deep breath. "I let him use me."

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