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"Belle, stop." Both Nick and Lucas yell at the same time but I can easily distinguish their voices. Lucas’ voice is deeper compared to Nick’s plus his voice plus is more authoritative. Nick’s comes out as a plea but Lucas’ is a command.

"Calm the fuck down, Belle!" Jake orders me, gripping me tight in his arms with all his might and i scream while punching him hard on the chest with all my energy trying to pull away from him

Fuck! He is so strong, i can't break free and that makes me feel so defenseless.

"Let go of me you jerk!" I order him but instead of letting lose he grips tighter and I grit my teeth firmly.

I can literally feel his heart beating frantically against my skin and his irritating intake of breath.

I desperately want to get to Lucas and I hate Jake for holding me captive, i need to teach his friend one hell of a lesson. He has messed with me and my family for too long and it is time he pays for everything.

I try chomping my teeth on Jake's flesh but he quickly pushes my head away cussing at me.

"Let me go!" I yell furiously and he shakes his head at me. He is seriously determined to not let me go.

"Relax!" He yells back at me.

"I hate you!" I shout at him and he laughs despite the situation.

"I am doing this for you, Belle." Like hell he is.

"Let me go, asshole. You are doing this for your friend." I am oblivious of all the eyes on me and the two bouncers striding towards us as i punch, kick and slap Jake all over but no matter how hard i hit him he continues to hold me tight.

He is ignoring the pain that i am inflicting on his body and that infuriates me. I want him to scream painfully and release me from his tight hold but I guess that will only happen in my dreams.

"Lucas had nothing to do with any of it and i won't let your stupid anger send you to jail." He whispers to me. “I doubt if Richard would show any mercies on you again if you happened to hurt Lucas.” He adds trying to remind me that I owe my freedom to Richard.

"You want to defend your best friend? Go ahead defend him... I promise i will go after his entire family and i will make them pay for his mistakes like he is doing to mine. I swear Richard and Lucas won’t escape my revenge." I yell louder for Lucas who is rushing towards us to hear.

"Belle, calm down." That's Nick and i know he wouldn't dare tell me to calm down if he knew the reason why i am so furious.

I can feel him right behind me and I kick at him without wasting a second when he makes to put his hands on my shoulder. He groans painfully and immediately I regret doing that to my best friend.

Hell! I know everyone would be this furious in my shoe. So no one should fucking tell me to come down. I have every right to yell and fight whoever...

"Bella, please calm down." Lucas says taking sure steps towards us and i stare daggers at him when his calculating eyes meet my furious ones. I can't believe he has the guts to tell me to fucking come down.

"You heartless son of a bitch! You want to wipe out my entire family?" I ask rhetorically struggling to pull away from Jake who is busy making sure I don’t. “And then what, Lucas?” I ask kicking around.

“I know you don’t have any reason to trust me but I can’t hurt the people that you love, Belle.” And he expects me to believe him? “Please calm down.”

“I hate you, Lucas.” I yell and before I know it i am pulled from Jake's grip carelessly by a very strong man who holds me by the waist making my feet dangle in the air and i swing as he makes a step. I try to fight him and I just decide to give up, I don’t have any more energy to waste.

"Let her go, Bill!" Lucas orders him. I am not surprised that his voice is still calm even after all the things i have said about him.

I don't know how he does that.

"She is making a scene and she shouldn't be here, sir." the Bill guy answers politely, you would think he is talking to the president.

"I can handle her." Lucas tells him. "Just put her down." He obliges and i sigh in frustration when he carefully puts me down.

I stagger when my feet touch the ground but Lucas is quick to steady me. I pull away cussing at him when he makes to hold me in his arms and he just shakes his head at me.

Nick makes to walk to me and i stretch my hand to stop him. I don't need his sympathy right now. I don’t want anyone to pity me. I feel so hollow, so broken and so…lost. I had no idea this day would end this way, I wish I fucking stayed in the asylum.

It was more peaceful there. That’s so ironic, right?

"Fuck you all!" I scream and some sick assholes find it funny. I glance at Lucas one more time and spin on my heels to walk out before i am tempted to do something stupid. Like snapping his neck, it would give me so much satisfaction.

“You had one job Jake but you’ve failed terribly.” Lucas yells at his best friend and I almost pity Jake but then I remember he is the reason why Lucas is still alive, he should have let me free when I desperately wanted to get to Lucas.

“I didn’t know what else to tell her, Lucas. She insisted and I couldn’t bring myself to lie to her!” Jake yells back and I shake my head in disbelief.

Lucas didn’t want me to know the truth?

"Back off!" I shout to the other bouncer who is standing right in front of me and he practically jump out of my way and i waddle out of the fucked up place.

I trip on something and i cuss as i hold on the door for support before stepping out. I know they are following me from a distance.

Without turning back i stagger to the parking lots where Keith parked his car. Since I don’t have the key I slide down helplessly on the floor and i lean my head on the driver's door as i cry my heart out.

I am breathing fast and my heart is beating wildly. I have a sharp pain surging through my head and my heart is aching.

I hate everything about my life. For the second time since i was born i think of committing suicide. What's the point of living such a painful life?

What did I ever do to deserve this? Why does God hate me this much? Will I ever live peacefully? I guess I won’t live long to find out…I thought I was strong but honestly I can’t take it anymore.

I tried, I tried to fight on but I am so drained. I can’t fight again, what will I be fighting for anyway? I lost everything and i don’t want to live to confirm that mom, dad and Elsa perished in that fire.

I can't live with the pain of losing yet another family.

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