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"You are a few minutes late, Rainer. I just signed everything over to them." Richard says and when he makes to stand up, Lee kicks his head with the gun reminding him to stay still and he obliges.

Lee is holding Richard tight, a gun pressed on his throat and Jeremy is standing on his left side with a gun pressed against his ribs.

I am holding Lily who is busy sobbing and whimpering from the pain. She has several bullets inside her body and she is bleeding profusely. I still don't know how she is still breathing.

I guess she is stronger than i thought.

"Relax, it won't be of any importance once they are dead." Rainer says smugly, scanning the room like some survey expert.

"I never took you for the governor's puppet." I tell him in an attempt to piss him off and he turns to me with a smirk.

"Trust me, i am nobody's puppet."

"That's ironic given that you are here to fight his battles." Keith says. "How much did he offer you? I can triple the amount."

"Actually, he didn't offer me money." He pauses and i follow his eyes to Belle's face. She is at the verge of breaking down and i didn't realize that. "You did a good job shutting your mouth, Belle." And that gets everyone turning towards Belle who has a tear rolling down her left cheek.

"What is going on, Ana?" Gilbert asks reaching to wipe the tear away but Belle shifts her eyes slowly towards Rainer.

"Go on, tell daddy how you killed my mother, I am sure he'd love to hear the sad story." Now that gets me all confused.

"He is not my father." She yells painfully and Gilbert swallows painfully.

He is hurt.

"I know that he is your biological father, lying won't save his life." So she is trying to protect Gilbert?

"Belle didn't kill your mother, whatever Richard told you was a fat lie." I am quick to defend her.

If Belle killed someone, i would be the first one to know. 

"She died." Her voice is almost a whisper and she sounds rueful and hurt.

"Who are you talking about, Belle?" Honestly i am confused. The girl she tossed over the railing guard three years ago was too young to be Rainer's mother.

"The cop she shoved out of the window three years ago was my mother." Rainer says looking at Belle like he wants to tear her into bitsy pieces.

"She died?" I ask rhetorically.

I knew she was in a bad shape but i just hoped she'd survive.

"Sadly. And if that wasn't enough, she went ahead and shoved my only sister over the railing guard." 

"The girl you hurt when you were a senior?"

"No, that was Jenna. Randal's kid sister." Rainer corrects me and i shake my head in disbelief.

"Randal is Jenna's big brother?"

"I thought you figured that part out already."

"I knew there was a reason i didn't like him." I say more to myself. "I should have followed my instincts."

"Jenna survived but my sister Mel died on the spot." Rainer says. "Belle killed the only two people i called family and i vowed to wipe her entire family out."

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